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Comment count is 7
Chizmurder - 2008-06-23

I love the guy that got so upset by semi-nude Max Headroom that he almost broke his television. He must really like Dr. Who.

Camonk - 2008-06-23

Well I mean you could kind of almost see a completely inoffensive part of a guy's butt. That probably upset some grandmas and church deacons.

Smellvin - 2008-06-23

The "pirate's" video was less offensive than 95% of plumbers.

Dicknuts - 2008-06-23

Nobody wants to see butts. That's why God put it where you can't see it and why you turn the lights out when you have sex.

Son of Slam - 2008-06-24

I think the issue wasn't the butt, but because that was a new Dr. Who that got interrupted. Haven't you seen the rabidity of Dr. Who fans?

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-06-24

I didn't even know Max Headroom had a butt. It's disillusioning to know that he does.

Syd Midnight - 2008-06-24

Captain Midnight was making a clear demand, and came first. But the Max Headroom attack was pure art. People were probably upset because they couldn't understand WHY. 100% win.

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