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Comment count is 7
KnowFuture - 2006-06-05

Though I gotta say, this is ungay HOW?

nocash - 2006-06-05

I have this album. It features Divine's Alphabet Rap.

Goethe and ernie - 2008-12-17

Yeah, I got this album in mint condition on vinyl for �1, but lost the poster that came with it. Goddamnit.

Genuinely good album though, classic SAW bangers.

oddeye - 2006-06-05

For Divine it isn't even camp, it just isn't gay enough to be the good kind of gay, it's Namor gay.

Stopheles - 2006-06-05

This sounds more like "I Feel Love" than anything by anyone other than Underworld

baleen - 2006-06-06

what can be gayer than an anthem about getting a guy to blow his load?

Syd Midnight - 2008-12-11

You'd think a disco album by Divine would be hilariously bad, but dude was a surprisingly capable composer of.. well.. this kinda music. I mean, it's good for what it is.

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