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Comment count is 22
gambol - 2008-07-13

I was waiting for it to be good, but it didn't really get there.

Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2008-07-13


benchmark - 2008-07-14

"this entire video is made out of fail."

gb2 4chan, fag.

divinitycycle - 2008-07-13


I fucking hate "Mac" people, but this guy is a bigger douche, so this entire video is made out of fail.

futurebot - 2008-07-13

You mean made out of "failure", right? That's the noun form.

ChocFullOfFunk - 2008-07-14

Not on the internet it ain't!

Dinky Patterson - 2008-07-13

Come on, poindexter. You're never going to get an opportunity like this again.

Take that stick out of your butt and nail his question out of the park by answering, "Yeah, just last night. It was your wife."

coprolalia - 2008-07-13

These newspeople should all be flogged.

chairsforcheap - 2008-07-13

jesus christ

dreamvigile - 2008-07-13

Ladies and gentlemen, the traditional media.

Four stars for how painful that was to watch.

Sean Robinson - 2008-07-13

All 'man on the street' news reports should feature anchors in the studio goading reporters and calling them pussies for not trying to pick fights with random strangers. It could be the new Post-New Journalism.

Severian - 2008-07-13

He thought it was a line for Star Wars.

sliggy - 2008-07-14

Five stars for "This is journalism to you?"

grimcity - 2008-07-14

I was thinking the same thing just as the guy asked the question.

heyitslozeau - 2008-07-14

it's amazing really, this reporter was actually able to look stupider than these people waiting in line, amazing really.

Hooker - 2008-07-14

As much as I loathe Apple fanboys, this really jsut doesn't go anywhere.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-07-14

Oh ho, you are so witty, laughing at all the nerds. Way to move on from high school, you beacon of journalistic integrity!

Evilhead - 2008-07-14

what a prick. if you are going to be an ass at least be funny about it.

Xenocide - 2008-07-14


It's insightful commentary like that that ensures this guy will stay regulated to the fluff piece beat for the remainder of his career.

"All of our reporters are out covering this shocking terrorist attack...except for Eric, who we sent to tell us about the puppies at the animal shelter."

chumbucket - 2008-07-14

does this network have a schedule?? or is the entire program built off the wheel of filler?

tamago - 2008-07-14

Isn't KTLA the station MST3K first aired on 20 years ago?

kelpfoot - 2008-11-12


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