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Comment count is 12
Dr Dim - 2008-07-17


If apperances are anything to go by this guy owns half of Silicon Valley by now.

Rovin - 2008-07-17

"Not bad." That's one of the most frustrating opinions of all time.

"How is it?"

"Not bad."

"So... what do you mean, exactly? Did it skip bad and just head on down to horrible? Does it mean it's good? If so, couldn't you have just said it was good? Or were you avoiding good on purpose? Is it just mediocre?"

Camonk - 2008-07-17

I think you're the only person in the whole world who has problems with what "it's not bad" means. Are you like this with everything? "It's fine." "What does that mean? Fine like incredibly small grains? Is it like powdered sugar? If it's like powdered sugar, why didn't you just say that?"

Rovin - 2008-07-17

George Carlin did a nice one on the word "Fine..."

"HAIR is fine...."

But no, I reserve most of my linguistic anal retention for "It's not bad," as most of the people I know that use it use it for almost everything they don't seen in a negative light.

boner - 2008-07-17

We're getting into "I don't disagree" territory.

jangbones - 2008-07-17

Wardrobe: Neon orange t-shirt under a white suit jacket with the sleeves pushed up?

Richard: Way too flashy. Also, it wouldn't make my gobbler chin look good.

Wardrobe: Shapeless blue sweatshirt and science teacher eyeglasses?


boner - 2008-07-17

Isn't this Will Ferrell as Janet Reno?

baleen - 2008-07-17

Tim & Eric essentially made their careers emulating these types of VHS tapes that people who work at public access find in the garbage.

Joey The Cobra - 2008-07-17

This was filmed shortly before the invention of the neckbeard.

SpookyElectric - 2008-07-17

i can't wait for that haircut and those glasses to become high fashion

charmlessman - 2008-07-18

Hellraiser *gasp* I highly recommend this film *gasp*. If you like Stephen King *gasp* you'll like this*gasp*


Big Muddy - 2008-10-20

I love this. He needs a comeback.

Small reminder. As a courtasy please observe that "pa" has already favorited this and as such do not do same. That is all.

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