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Comment count is 17
chumbucket - 2008-07-22

How do these "car through store window" events even happen? I mean jesus people, learn to friggin drive!

FABIO2 - 2008-07-22

Old people

chumbucket - 2008-07-22


Xiphias - 2008-07-22

They're so old, their brains don't work right

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2008-07-22

I was living right over a store that got driven into.

It was very, very deliberate. Stolen car, angry gang lads high on God knows what, and clerks who would not accept obviously stolen charge cards for liquor.

As for things like this, well, it's usually a case of two-foot driving on an automatic, or an acute case of old.

Shion - 2008-07-23

I work in property insurance. This happens all. the. freaking. time.

I am an expert in stucco, framing, drywall, and aluminum storefront due to all the folks who apparently can't tell brake from go.

KnowFuture - 2008-07-23

An ex girlfriend of mine worked at a store that got crashed into.
It involved a police chase on a main thoroughfare.
She wasn't in the store at the time.

Rovin - 2008-07-22

"...Never did find my cigarettes."

Millard - 2008-07-22

Christ, that dude practically got teleported. Surprised he's still alive.

charmlessman - 2008-07-22

Those TRUTH Anti-Tobacco people are getting pretty aggressive these days.

kiint - 2008-07-22

they made booths well in those days

Desidiosus - 2008-07-22

I'm surprised he didn't order another cup of coffee since he was right at the counter.

RockBolt - 2008-07-22


dreamvigile - 2008-07-22

The driver was identified as one John Sidney McCain III.

Cena_mark - 2008-07-22

No it was Barack Hussein Obama in a deliberate act of terrorism.

Cena_mark - 2008-07-22

When I got hit by a car the first thing I did was look for my hat. Us hat people are the same.

PeteyCruiser - 2008-07-23

chilling by the window

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