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Comment count is 17
onemorepanic - 2006-06-11

i don't really need to type anything here.

entropy - 2006-06-11

brings me back to that day. I guess we all have to do this periodically... the horror, the horror

snerd2 - 2006-06-11

Christ, I was crying along with him. I've never seen this before. It brought me right back. Damn.

Stopheles - 2006-06-11

I would be happy with both this AND the entire episode being posted. What an amazing speech.

Zinnus - 2006-08-29

Its funny how we can recall these moments in our lives so well. I recall what I did vividly.

MrTodd - 2006-09-17

"They live in chaos, and chaos can't sustain itself." So powerful.

fluffy - 2006-10-22

It's too bad Bush did everything he could to completely negate Stewart's hope for the future.

IrishWhiskey - 2007-08-21

John Gibson of Fox News recently mocked this speech and Stewart, saying it was "phony" and that Stewart was faking his distress about 9/11 and the death of his close friends in the attacks.

Why would Gibson say such a thing? Well because Stewart doesn't support the war in Iraq, or torturing prisoners, or warrantless wiretapping. Therefore he must not really care about 9/11.

There is rarely so clear a choice between the representatives of humanity, and inhumanity as seen in this clip, and Fox News' response to it.

Vicious - 2007-11-10

I've never wanted to give Jon Stewart a hug quite so much as I do now.

Jeff Fries - 2007-11-22

Aw poor guy

RandomFerret - 2007-12-17

Why the hell don't any of these work?

Mole Wax - 2007-12-28

WAKE UP AMERICA!!! 9/11 was an Inside Job!!!

Bush LIED, Congress LIED, CIA LIED, FBI LIED, Police LIED!!! WTC was a Controlled demolition!!!


Learn the Truth!!!


Say NO to New World Order!!! NO to Zionism, NO to Masonry, NO to Jewry!!!


PS Ron Paul 08. Abolish the Federal Reserve.


Keefu - 2008-08-29


IrishWhiskey - 2008-12-16

Even if its a joke, its not funny

Paranatural - 2008-12-21

We needed more people like this and less of the 'Lets git dem towlheads' sort.

spork865 - 2009-06-07

I don't think I could ever watch this without tears welling up.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-07-07

Sometimes, I envy those with an inability to empathize. I wouldn't have to cry so much.

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