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Comment count is 17
Camonk - 2008-07-28

Businesswoman? I don't think that's a word.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-07-28

What a terrible woman. Maybe if she'd watched Mr. Rogers as a child, she could recognize his voice and not be so terrible.

heyitslozeau - 2008-07-28

who the fuck cant recognize the greatest American hero Fred Rogers?

Merkwuerdigeliebe - 2008-08-11

All my stars.

heyitslozeau - 2008-07-28

"are your threatening me?"

fuck you bitch how you could you possible find that sentence in conjunction with the soothing voice of fred rogers threatening?

I dont know what business you belong to, but I aint buying shit from you.

Gill_Sans - 2008-07-28

That ending blew my mind.

Randroid - 2008-07-28

I don't know if it's Mr Rogers, sounding less-than-functionally retarded, or seething anger at the recieving end of a horrible Lynchian dialogue, but I can't stop laughing

ChocFullOfFunk - 2008-07-28

It's like Krapp's last tape but with dinosaurs!

chumbucket - 2008-07-28

Fred Rogers has a very threatening tone when he says "soccer"

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-07-28


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-07-28

Also, shouldn't that be "BUSINESS?"

Syd Midnight - 2008-07-29

I decline to rate because I feel it's a 4 star video, but the timing and soundboarding are just so very good.. I think I'm jealous and want more.

kennydra - 2008-07-28

ALL THE STARS! I love this so much.

That woman should feel honored. WHATABITCH!

manfred - 2008-07-28

That's not what soccer is supposed to be, but unfortunately it is.

Poor Excuse - 2008-07-29

I don't think this is a soundboard. It's time we all pledge fealty to our new master, Zombie Rogers. Man the phones and engage in polite, nonsensical conversations with people in need of chill pills.

SRP - 2008-08-04

pure gold.

feathersfall - 2009-06-18

beautiful and how sad that businesswomen have no love in them.

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