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Comment count is 9
glasseye - 2008-08-03

I wish I could give this negative stars.

Merkwuerdigeliebe - 2008-08-03

The evil is born of the duration.

Hooker - 2008-08-03

Yeah, this is a one-or-five video if I've ever seen one. Pretty evil, though.

freedoom - 2008-08-03

Ed O'Neill was clearly not giving this his all. also didn't married with children take place in Chicago? why is he rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs?

Torture the Artist - 2008-08-03

Yes, it did. And O'Neil is from Ohio. And he was signed briefly by the Steelers.

These are the necessary ingredients to create the number one Kansas City Chiefs super fan!

Xenocide - 2008-08-03





I really don't think you want a character who's renowned for being perhaps the biggest loser in television history shilling for your sports team.

Dicknuts - 2008-08-04

Stay classy Kansas City


chumbucket - 2008-08-04

let's rock and roll?

LeMoyne IV - 2009-06-18

Christ. At least you didn't get Jim Belushi hanging off your ass forever, Kansas.

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