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Comment count is 15
Hugo Gorilla - 2008-08-05

The Internet is just one big slab of stupid. Five stars just for wearing a hat with your You Tube's account's name on it.

I love that people who make these videos refer to each other by their accounts' names. It's like they're in a retarded Justice League.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2008-08-06


King of Balls - 2008-08-05

I used to think this guy was harmless and funny. For some reason, the first 30 seconds were enough to convince me he's just an uninteresting butthead. So, um, five stars.

"�from a credible, known YouTube person!"

Keefu - 2008-08-05

Goronchev is one of my most favorite exhibits here but this 46 minute video is someting I'm not sure I'm brave enough to endure.

Dinky Patterson - 2008-08-05

There's no way I can justify to myself watching a 46 minute Goronchev video during the summer.

This one's gonna have to wait until the dead of winter.

futurebot - 2008-08-06

Thought the same thing - hopefully I'll remember this is here come January. As a counterpart to short and sweet, maybe we should start using a tl;dw tag.

a flaming monkey - 2008-08-05

So, he proves that BigAL is a stalker by stalking him. Nice move Goronchev, where can I buy one of your hats?

Good Lord! 46 minutes! ...*Presses stop button, calmly exits to PoeTV homepage*

Hooker - 2008-08-06

Got 3 minutes in.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-08-06

Goronchev is my absolute favorite Youtube vlogger posted here thus far.

Also, his Goronchev hat will always get five stars.

I zipped ahead a few times, here are some highlights:

"If I wanted to get attention, I'd take my shirt off"

"I go into dick size into one or two of my videos" - response refuting the accusation he talks about his dick size

"You are nowhere near as big as Chris Crocker"

"Big Al sold out completely"

"You are fuckin obsessed about Youtube. You badly badly need to diversify your life, dude. By fucking obsessing about Youtube it's unhealthy."

Cleaner82 - 2008-08-06

If all he wanted was popularity he'd be making videos on Youtube! Wait.

1394 - 2008-08-06

46 minutes long.

glendower - 2008-08-06

Thanks for your contribution to humanity Goronchev.

Dr Dim - 2008-08-09

Five stars for making dozens of these things and still using your webcam to take pictures of your monitor. Then again, maybe editing videos would cut into his LIFTIN TIME.

phalsebob - 2008-10-08

Is this 46 minutes of him bitching at his screen? Why isn't he a fatty?

klingerbgoode - 2008-11-15

46 minutes? seriously?

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