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Comment count is 13
Desidiosus - 2008-08-06

Oh my fucking god. I'm not rating this.

kiint - 2008-08-06

well i am! show us your pannus!! woot!

also: stars for the preload image

CTHlu_teddybear - 2008-08-06

my friends we call that a B.I.F. (butt in front)- the natural home of this creature is in some spandex or under a moo moo and its natural habitat is at wallmart.

magical man - 2008-08-06

I love how they just PLOP the tissue into the metal bowls. christ

mouser - 2008-08-06

�The lard is with me and everything is going to Frito-Lay�

dead_cat - 2008-08-06

God, I hope they cremated that shit to keep it from finding a new host. Did you see the underside of that section? Inches of hungry gristle and fat just looking for an unsuspecting human.

Cube - 2008-08-06

That's some huge cameltoe!

King of Balls - 2008-08-06

It's gross!

Deconvolution - 2008-08-06

5 stars for successfully combining surgical procedures with fat appreciation week.

Needs 'fleshcrafting' tag.

NoCode - 2008-08-06


It went "plop."

A Jumping Spider! - 2008-08-07

Somehow this is harder to watch here than it was on TV.

superfister69 - 2008-08-12

Say goodbye to the Longshoreman's Delight.

La Loco - 2009-01-15

Yuuuuuk, America!

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