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Comment count is 6
Merkwuerdigeliebe - 2008-08-05

4:10-4:45 -- Estevez's preparation for this scene was to study his brother's, Charlie Sheen's, addiction to cocaine and vodka.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-08-05

He couldn't even be bothered to put a rolled-up comforter under his sheets.

dueserpenti - 2008-08-05

When he was sneaking out, I thought to myself, "Why did he just stick a VCR in his pants?" and then I remembered that's what tape players used to be like. I can't tell if that makes me young or old.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-08-09

If you had mistaken it for something other than a VHS tape, you would've been young.

Syd Midnight - 2008-08-05

This is awesome because it's like Repo Man Estevez except when he's a snotty teenager who hangs out at malls and thinks he's punk rock because he likes the Circle Jerks.

Camonk - 2008-08-24

So wait, his revenge is to break into the arcade and... give the guy more money?

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