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Comment count is 24
sheikurbouti - 2008-08-14

His eyes must hurt if the only light is a votive candle on the floor.

Hugo Gorilla - 2008-08-14


jangbones - 2008-08-14

I think in this case it's spelled "boox".

StanleyPain - 2008-08-14

This is from the original Danzig video VHS tape. Inbetween each video was some dumb interview/whatever with Danzig.

jesustweak - 2008-08-14

"Ah yes, the occult roots of Nazism, a fascinating topic to be sure, but unfortunately the pages of this fine volume appear to be stuck together."

He needs a smoking jacket and a pipe.

Herr Matthias - 2008-08-14

Box of saltines, can of sardines...

cognitivedissonance - 2008-08-14


Michael Houser - 2008-08-14

Aw, his hair was so nice back then.
I think there should be a series of these, featuring various famous people talking about their book collections without their shirts on.
Harlan Ellison and Joyce Carol Oates would be particularly disturbing.

Rosemilk - 2008-08-14

+5 for the "put a damn shirt on" tag
-2 for danzig not wearing a damn shirt

colander - 2008-08-14

the "danzig reading" parts are almost convincing

phalsebob - 2008-08-14

"Welcome, welcome, come in and sit beside me" he says, smiling not unlike a wolf to a wandering sheep. "Oh, I've got a tale for you. A terrifying tale if you have the heart for it!"

With a shaking arm he reaches out and selects a book from the dusty shelves. Glancing at the title in the flickering candle light his eyes widen in feral glee. "Ahh ha ha ha! I'l get you with this one...."

"One day, Jesus was walking along and a child came running at him and knocked him down. Jesus looked up at the child and said 'As you have thrown me down, so shall you to be thrown.' And he was!"

"Ooo, that's terrifying! I got you didn't I? No? Not even a little bit?"

With a long sigh, his mustache quivers. He replaces the book upon the dusty shelf, utterly crestfallen.

"That wasn't very terrifying at all, was it. No. Well... I'll get you next time. Yes, yes, I will get you next time!"

*Cue midget vampire*

Rovin - 2008-08-15

You win.

garcet71283 - 2008-08-14

He morphs into John Travolta at 2:36.

Maggot Brain - 2008-08-15

I know a lot of people who try to act like this. Most of them don't have the side burns to pull it off.

a flaming monkey - 2008-08-15

Welcome to my collection of coffee table books and discredited publications...

zatojones - 2008-08-15

I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

juiceboxtheeverliving - 2008-08-15

he should have been on the rappin goth's public access show with that pigwoman

davinciclone - 2008-08-15

IFC needs to make an interview show out of this and run it back-to-back with Rollins' show. Danzig interviewing Dan Brown, both of them shirtless.

baleen - 2008-08-15

Perfectly ended.

Justin Dohrmann - 2008-08-15

He's one self-defense book short of conquering global internet shame.

glasseye - 2008-08-15

Wait, who taught the metal-heads to read?

Big Name Celebrity - 2008-08-21

And all of this purported reading ended up leading to his "epic poem" not quite about Elizabeth Bathory.

Sentences that weren't sentences, words that weren't words and the feeling of self-congratulation that you get from aging rockers who are starting to get a whiff of their own irrelevance only ten years too late.

charmlessman - 2008-10-20

He spent all his shirt money on books.

La Loco - 2009-02-11

Danzig, you're one cool dork.

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