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Comment count is 17
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-08-16

This is really, really European.

fluffy - 2008-08-16

I thought because it was the most ridiculous yet simultaneously boring premise for a game ever.

fluffy - 2008-08-16

Er, I thought it flopped

fluffy - 2008-08-16

Also I think if people knew about these FMVs the game would have sold much better.

revdrew - 2008-08-16

It was boring, ridiculous, but still oddly relaxing and enjoyable. And really, really. easy.

RandomFerret - 2008-08-16

This wasn't just any game, it was a launch title. Pretty much the ONLY PS2 game you could find for the first few weeks. Doesn't it just scream 'next-gen?'

RocketBlender - 2008-08-17

My friend and I played this thanks to it being about the only PS2 game at the time, other than Zone of The Enders, which was fun, but we really got it for the MGS2 demo. We always used to assume the kid at 0:45 was screaming "FUCK YOU" into the phone. Ah hell, 5 starts for memories.

Dib - 2008-08-17

I remember we knew a guy employed at the local EB, and they had a huge shelf of these and we asked about them, and he told us how it came down that they were being ordered to press them on anybody in any way possible.

My other memory of this is when my younger brother got a copy for an occassion like birthday or Christmas. Fantavision is precisely why parents can not be trusted to buy video games unsupervised.

Xenocide - 2008-08-17

They printed like a fuckton of these, based on the belief that since there were only like 3 other PS2 games out there at the time people would snap it up simply because it worked on their new console.

My local Gamestop STILL has a copy sitting on the shelf. It's priced at .99. No takers so far.

Dib - 2008-08-17

That's the same model that got me to buy Feel the Magic XX/XY. i would say that all of us as gamers should have higher standards and start demanding consoles launch with the titles we actually want to play (would it kill Nintendo to have a Zelda game prepared, just once?) But on the other hand, Mass Effect got 9.0 reviews and raving reception by fans so my faith in gamers is nil.

fluffy - 2008-08-19

That's also the model which led us to put Sprung on the Nintendo DS. Seriously.

kingarthur - 2008-08-17

I'm convinced The Pizzicato Five had something to do with this.

Them or Fantastic Plastic Machine.

baleen - 2008-08-17

Taken completely out of context this is a lot like what it feels like coming up on acid.

teethsalad - 2008-08-17


themilkshark - 2008-08-17

Psh, ps3 "home" looks so much more realistic.

and gayer too.

Xenocide - 2008-08-17


This game was basically a PS2 tech demo which grew too big for its own good.

DMKA - 2008-08-19

The European and Japanese versions were superior in the fact that they used elevator music instead of this crappy techno music. Adding to the retro-cheese factor.

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