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Desc:Fun fact: one of these pantsless loli catgirls is directly modeled after Chuck Yeager
Category:Classic TV Clips, Cartoons & Animation
Tags:Moe, WTF Japan, loli, strike witches, pedophiliz
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Comment count is 24
Xenocide - 2008-08-25

But they have pants. MISSILE PANTS. Or something.

Cleaner82 - 2008-08-25

I wonder if they could take one of those legs a-- no. No, that way madness lies.

mouser - 2008-08-25

I'm sure it happens in one of the episodes.

StanleyPain - 2008-08-25

Are you sure this isn't a satire of anime? Cuz it might as well be.

zatojones - 2008-08-25

At this point all anime is self parody

chumbucket - 2008-08-25

plays to the amputee/prosthetic fetish crowd

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-08-25

You don't understand. They've got perfectly normal legs under those things. They just wear them to fly. That isn't what's so... What's the term... Attention-grabbing about this series. Just take a stab in the dark about what is.

Overall it's not as well-written as Sky Girls, and why am I even bothering?

To HELL with it!

Whitewater5 - 2008-08-25

shut the fuck up you creepy goddamn pedophile

Xenocide - 2008-08-25

Camininate is no pedo. He's a wise sage living atop an unscalable anime mountain, where every day is Sakura's birthday and the cake never ends.

As usual, Wikipedia provides the answer: "The story revolves around teenage girls who are essentially moe anthropomorphizations of military planes."

I hope the villain is based on the Enola Gay.

Syd Midnight - 2008-08-25

I'll watch it if it's that type of anime that leers lustfully at cool aircraft more than the girls. Combining a little girl with a P-38 or FW-190 is something everyone can enjoy.

I bet the bombers will just be big, but the P-47 will be the fat chick, and the twin Mustang will be twin girls.

See Caminante? You just need to compromise a little.

Stog - 2008-08-25

This is the most impractical yet intriguing military science endeavor ever created.

Also: Where is the yadda yadda yadda whatever.

Chalkdust - 2008-08-25

"Overall it's not as well-written as Sky Girls..."

You mean this isn't the only show like this?

Syd Midnight - 2008-08-25

Chuck Yeager story time: When he was 19 and in flight school, there was a popular whorehouse a couple towns over where all the cadets would go in the evening to have a good time. The local town council disapproved of their nightly carousing, and had the whorehouse boarded up. So Yeager and a friend flew an armed trainer over and strafed the town's water tank.

baleen - 2008-08-25


DMKA - 2008-08-25


King of Balls - 2008-08-25

God. Dumb.

revdrew - 2008-08-25

I wish moe would die so anime could be good again.

Camonk - 2008-08-25

Ha ha. Anime. Good again.

This was SO crazy as to be like halfway interesting, though.

athodyd - 2008-08-25

So... this is a 2chan meme that got turned into a TV show? Holy christ.

Nikon - 2009-01-25

It's based off of a light novel, but the events in the novel precede the series.

tamago - 2008-08-25

I'll most likely never ever watch this show, but five stars to offset the "I hate anime hurr hurr hurr" reactionary faggots.

phalsebob - 2008-10-07

Why do they sound like prop planes when their pants are clearly jet powered? EXPLAIN THAT ANIME FAGS!

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-10-23



Nikon - 2009-01-03

Five to offset the hatas.

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