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Comment count is 24
ponpoko - 2008-08-19

My blood! He punched out all my blood!

Billie_J_Buttfuck - 2008-08-19

This. This. This exactly.

Smellvin - 2008-08-19

I definitely heard a clearly enunciated "om nom nom" at the end there.

Merzbau - 2008-08-20

Copyright OMNOMNOM

kiint - 2008-08-19

how do i play as sandvich?

Aubrey McFate - 2008-08-19

You call that breaking my spine?! You Red Team ladies wouldn't know how to break a spine if (crack) OH MY SPIIIIIIIIINE

thebaronsdoctor - 2008-08-19

You call that breaking my spine? You red team ladies wouldn't know- AUGHHH MY SPINE!

IrishWhiskey - 2008-08-19

You call that breaking my spine? You Red team ladies...


Cleaner82 - 2008-08-19

That's it gentlemen. The golden pinnacle of om nom nom.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-08-19

To add insult to injury, the Spy sneaks in and takes all of their beer afterwards.

Hugo Gorilla - 2008-08-19

Can't camp now. Eating.

CornOnTheCabre - 2008-08-19

:( they never made a Medic one.

Emcee - 2008-08-19

The blood on the ground after the Soldier has his spine shattered.

Camonk - 2008-08-19

Funniest video game related thing since Meet the Soldier. YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE

a flaming monkey - 2008-08-19

There's a sandvich now?

Merzbau - 2008-08-20

Yes. It replaces the shotgun and you eat it to gain health, apparently. That is why TF2 is the best fucking game ever made.

Udderdude - 2008-08-19


Keefu - 2008-08-19


Albuquerque Halsey - 2008-08-19

Just to pre-empt any complaining about this one not featuring (insert favorite class), keep in mind that there are more updates than remaining character to make "meet-the" videos for.

TeflonDoc - 2008-08-19

Can sandvich has better tags?

Squeamish - 2008-08-19

Dammit, those guys should know better than to get between Heavy and Sandvich.

Crucifried - 2008-08-20

Heavy should know better than to get between Scout and Sandvich. BONK.


ProfessorChaos - 2008-08-20

I love these damn videos.

Sphinx - 2011-07-06

The soldier's "oh hell" is wonderful.

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