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Comment count is 27
Smellvin - 2008-08-20

Hmm... my guess would be histrionic personality disorder. Anyone with a copy of the DSM IV want to take a crack at it?

nubilus - 2008-08-20

i must agree.

Randroid - 2008-08-20

Could you rate your sadness on a scale of 1 to purple?
If your sadness were a bird what sort of plumage would it have?

baleen - 2008-08-20

A little megalomania maybe. Histrionic PD is usually something reserved for women, and narcissism is applied to men, but he seems far from narcissistic.

rev.dinosaur - 2008-08-20

Yeah, if he was histrionic he'd be threatening to kill himself. Not that it would hurt his rant, though.

King of Balls - 2008-08-20

I don't know, Narcissistic Personality Disorder's a fickle beast.

Cleaner82 - 2008-08-20


GoodAaron - 2008-08-20

I like how his head jumps around like Max Headroom whenever he reaches an emotional crescendo.

Rudy - 2008-08-21


simon666 - 2008-08-20

max headroom people.

also needs a vivaldi tag

kennydra - 2008-08-20

So, who's he talking about?

baleen - 2008-08-20

I really want to know too.

Doomstein - 2008-08-20


IrishWhiskey - 2008-08-20

She is a cutie.

So she's been warned about this guy right? Because otherwise there's a pretty good chance she's soaking in a tub of lye right now.

baleen - 2008-08-21

oh man. he's in love with a youtube microcelebrity. that is really very sad.

rustedmutt - 2008-08-20

Chunky Nicolas Cage in Walgreens sunglasses loves you. You lucky, lucky woman.

Doomstein - 2008-08-20

Five stars

One for his sunglasses

Two for the background music

Three for the Max Headroom action

Four for his nifty Superman Shirt, which no doubt emboldens him.

And five for the painfully creepy rape-vibe this guy gives off as he throws himself to the internet like oh so much chum.

delicatessen - 2008-08-20

I bet he wishes he could rewind time and space, jumping back over man eating plants and walking head creatures and take it all back.


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-08-20

There's something about his voice that just screams "basement dungeon". Watch your ass, vlogger chick.

anvill - 2008-08-20

Is there an "evidence" tag?

Hooker - 2008-08-20

Nicholas Cage's less successful brother.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-08-20

OH MY GOD. I just realized who he might be. He's been on POETV before!


Unsung - 2008-08-20

You know, the pop-up quotes are the dumbest idea Youtube has ever had.

nubilus - 2008-08-20

yeah they suck but im sick of deleting death threats when i reupload some psycho's deleted vid

racetraitor - 2008-08-20

He sounds like Jason from Home Movies. It's uncanny.

Camonk - 2008-08-21

I mean it's good and all but jesus almost nine minutes of this? If he hadn't jumped into talking about TV shows it would've been just horribly repetitive.

Rudy - 2008-08-21

You may laugh but "You're definitely on my subscription list!" is a surprisingly good pick-up line.

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