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Artist:Cavalera Conspiracy
Desc:A mix of the old and new by the brothers Cavalera
Category:Music Videos, Heavy Metal - Hard Rock
Tags:Sepultura, Cavalera Conspiracy, Soulfly, Inflikted, Beneath the Remains
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Comment count is 5
Dib - 2008-08-20

Do Sepultura even play the old, fast stuff anymore? Or are they too busy basing concept albums off classical literature to remember they used to be a metal band?

I liked Against despite being unrelatable as a Sepultura album, but I'm happy that Igor finally left. That makes Paulo the only founding member remaining, and as far as I'm concerned they should call it quits and resume under a name change if they want to move on.

Meanwhile, it's great to see the brothers reunited. Inflikted isn't a ground breaking album in the vein of stuff like Arise or Chaos AD, but I like it for being a good straight up metal album, and the fact that Max + Igor always means good music.

Jimmy Labatt - 2008-08-22

Tight set (minus one though for the shitty sound quality).

I agree that Sepultura as they are now should call it a day. Haven't really had the compunction to listen to any of their stuff since Roots.

I didn't even know Max and Igor had reconciled. Did Max's uber bitch of a wife/manager finally let him go outside and play?

Dib - 2008-08-22

I never understood the split, except that it was over the band wanting to fire Max's wife. I don't think she has anything to do with whether they're reunited though, Igor finally woke up after the last couple albums and realized the band lost its way.

The hilarious part is reading about the next album http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-Lex and they still haven't figured it out. You go from being a brazillian metal band with albums like Arise and Chaos AD, to a hardcore band that writes concept albums about classic literature?

Pillager - 2008-12-08



grimetooth - 2009-10-30

Tight and sharp. Like a spandex dagger.

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