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Comment count is 13
Merzbau - 2008-08-24

Mostly submitted to set up the second clip. Nice to see that someone has apparently based a children's cartoon character around the Carlin bit about men with small teeth and large gums.

Maggot Brain - 2008-08-24

The kids shows on cartoon network are getting out of hand. One of it's other shows made a slight masturbation reference.

mouser - 2008-08-24

It's the new genre: for lack of funny, they make up with outrageousness.

Which is no less entertaining for adults.

Binro the Heretic - 2008-08-24

My personal favorite:

Flapjack and Cap'n K'Nuckles catch Bubbie the whale using knotholes in the dock to spy on people. Flapjack admonishes her.

"But you don't understand, baby," Bubbie replies. "These holes are my friends."

"A hole can't be your friend!" says Flapjack.

"There's all kinds of friends, boy," interjects K'Nuckles. "There's all kinds of friends."

Cheese - 2008-08-24

Hell, half my friends are A Holes!

Cena_mark - 2008-08-24

Cartoon Network is getting much better. The past couple of years have sucked.

robotkarateman - 2008-08-24

Another "naughty" cartoon nibbling on droppings from John K's ass.

Binro the Heretic - 2008-08-24

And John K. sucked from the teats of Crumb, Bakshi, Shelton and pretty much every other underground cartoonist who came before him.

robotkarateman - 2008-08-24


Binro the Heretic - 2008-08-24

The point is if you're going to slam a cartoon for "ripping off" Kricfalusi, you should know Kricfalusi "ripped off" the people who came before him.

Harveyjames - 2008-08-24

Also, that John K. isn't all that funny. Sure can draw, though!

robotkarateman - 2008-08-24

Wow, are you personally involved with this show or something, Binro? I mean, did I just personally insult you deeply and truly? 'Cause really, I'm awesome if I did, and I'd like it if you would keep posting here about where the humor comes from because you can argue that Crumb et. al. took trace their jokes back to Philogelos, but shows like Flapjack don't rip off their art styles from Philogelos and 4th century monks didn't break ground to get farty cartoons on television, where as John K did.

So please, keep posting more about this personal assault on your character.

chumbucket - 2008-08-24

oh man, that voice "I got somethin' in stowah fer you!"

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