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Desc:I, uh. Well, I, um. Good hair, but cannot flow.
Category:Educational, Humor
Tags:how the F@#K do we upposed to keep peace, black people walking slowly, pouring one out for your homies, leave the kid at home
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Comment count is 32
Chancho - 2008-08-27

Natural rhythm?

socialist_hentai - 2008-08-27


dr_rock - 2008-08-27

If these chicks teamed up with 'why must I cry' Reh Dog, I bet they could do a world tour selling out arenas.

The Snickler - 2008-08-27

+5 for my home town -2 for the utter lack of harmony that was exhibited during the chorus of this song.

glasseye - 2008-08-28


phalsebob - 2008-08-28

"Hip hop is dead"? No. But it's clearly just given up.

Godard's Drinking Problem - 2008-08-28

And thus another patch is added to my mind-image of Detroit.

Godard's Drinking Problem - 2008-08-28

I'm also pretty sure that the "D" in question is Detroit (where is does get seasonably cold)

blackmetallic - 2008-08-28

thought it was duluth. or des moines.

baleen - 2008-08-28

Black people standing. Black people standing in the D. How the fuck they sposed to keep standing in the D. It's cold.

Cleaner82 - 2008-08-28

My little brother is a film student. He is helping produce videos much like this. Hopefully it's a phase.

1394 - 2008-08-28

313 baby.

zatojones - 2008-08-28

"how the fuck do we 'postah to keep peace?" how indeed

blackmetallic - 2008-08-28

my favorite part is around 2:28 or so, when she loses the awful awful "chorus".....probably due that the "music" is the same during both parts.

my god its full of stars

Chizmurder - 2008-08-28

This is so horrible that youtube decided to make real "elephant man" a related video.

Cold in the D? Don't you mean ROCKIN' in the D?!


Species - 2008-08-28

This playing on a loop at the DMV would result in one of the biggest blood-baths ever.

chumbucket - 2008-08-28

I was going to award the 5 to this video for pure crappy-talent but this comment earned em all instead

Camonk - 2008-08-28

I'd like to see a collaboration between these talented ladies and the Smell Yo Dick girls.

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-08-28

Holy shit, so this is why people like ICP, Kid Rock, Eminem, etc can become great rappers in Detroit? It's like a negative "flava" zone to the rest of America.

Daymage - 2008-08-28

I appreciate the tags, but I would like to suggest, "Black people walking slowly" and "pouring one out for your homies."

Species - 2008-08-28

agreed :D

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-10-23


blackmetallic - 2009-06-11

cheerfully updated

Species - 2008-08-28

"Drinking games and shit
always into big thangs and shit
it was getting wicked and shit
all he did was just kick it and shit"

oh god. this horrible video has slowly become one of my favorites.

theSnake - 2008-08-28

By the end of the song, the rapping and the beat had completely separated each other. A bold statement signifying the disenfranchisement of the poor citizens of Detroit, abandoned by the Automotive Industry that left them out in the cold.... the cold of the D.

kingofthenothing - 2009-01-14

While the orange hair must represent the flaming phoenix wings of hope.

kwash - 2009-12-02

You're overthinking it.

The beat was merely trying to escape.

PeteyCruiser - 2008-09-05

so dark

soggy - 2009-05-01

I'd hit it!

Chalkdust - 2009-05-14

I like how non-committal the backing track is.

Lies, lies, LIES! - 2009-10-12

I didn't know you could rap flat.

B_Ko - 2009-11-30

Pouring out a sip of water from a dixie cup for the homies.

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