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Comment count is 17
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-08-28

"Now I'm gon show you wat happens when you take a bucket of water an throw it on a pile of maggots! WOOWEE!"


Also, don't most furries live in their parents basements? I mean that's closer to their natural habitat...they have blankets and a corner, possibly a cardboard box.

This entire thing is beautiful, beautiful crazy.

sheikurbouti - 2008-08-28

If you have the soundtrack to Rushmore - play Margaret Yang's Theme (set to repeat - it's barely a minute long) in the background as you watch this. Just do it.

Xenocide - 2008-08-29

Oh my God.

Squeamish - 2008-08-28

I couldn't watch more than a minute of this. I have to deal with people like this where I teach - I'm not dealing with this shit outside of it.

baleen - 2008-08-29

The south will rise again in the form of a million rebel yellin' yiffs.

Cleaner82 - 2008-08-29

This can't be real, can it? It sounds like he doesn't even know what the hell a furry is.

Bebido - 2008-08-29

Yeah I didn't even watch it before I gave it this 5 star.

sinuendo - 2008-08-29

"It's like....man.....like I don't even know man, shit."

Words to live by.

almo - 2008-08-29

it's cool kinda? well okay then

Goethe and ernie - 2008-08-29

Hold on, is the guy with a massive confederate flag on his wall telling me that furries have better jobs than me? Five stars for that alone, but another, theoretical set of stars for his views on furries, the KKK, and "ragheads".

mon666ster - 2008-08-29

Yes he's racist, but given his accent and choice of wall-hangings, he's surprisingly less racist than I would have imagined.

So who wants to take up a collection, get this guy a meerkat suit and send him off to a furry convention?

TeenerTot - 2008-08-29

Does he have "Meerkat 4 Life" scrawled up there in the background?

socialist_hentai - 2008-08-29

The accent just makes this go off the chart.

SpookyElectric - 2008-08-29

too good to be true

King of Balls - 2008-08-29

Eyebrows and opinions.

"They look better than real animals. Timone or Balto, they look good."

Syd Midnight - 2008-08-29


Bozo - 2009-06-02


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