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Comment count is 31
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-08-28

Have you ever seen windmills laugh at someone?

If this guy sticks to his guns, you just might.

baleen - 2008-08-28

Wow. This kid is never going to be able to walk down the street again.

KnowFuture - 2008-08-29

I get the impression that this constitutes some sort of completely misguided effort to make it so he CAN walk down the street again.

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-08-28

It loses a star because I kept expecting him to accidentally cut himself. Still amazing however.

Squeamish - 2008-08-28

Why do so many horrendously uncoordinated people buy sharp katanas?

Shion - 2008-08-28

Not sharp, fake.

Squeamish - 2008-08-28

Okay, but why katanas at all?

Camonk - 2008-08-28

Oh shit guys! The jig's up! We'd better cheese it!

Cleaner82 - 2008-08-28

I bet he doesn't kill more than three people, four TOPS.

Chancho - 2008-08-28

Do family members count?

Syd Midnight - 2008-08-28

This was the climax of an SA AwfulVideo feature. I like their title better: "en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asperger_syndrome"

Ghoul - 2008-08-28

Never bring a sword to an internet fight.

aeso - 2008-08-28

Did he give the Boy Scout salute?

StanleyPain - 2008-08-28


socialist_hentai - 2008-08-28

We will fight in the air, on the land, under the bridges...

Squeamish - 2008-08-28

I for one will not allow this persecution against troll-kind to stand, and stand with my troll brothers against this outrage. Together, we will one-star all cat videos until this man is dead!

Xenocide - 2008-08-28

BY THE POWER OF MY WEEABLADE, YOU WILL BE DEFEATED!!! I'll finish you like I finished eight extra value meals!

NoCode - 2008-08-28

Well, that will definitely get the trolls to stop.

dreamvigile - 2008-08-28

[troll]The guy has a point. But he's a little misguided. The real source of the troll problem is theres too many Democrats in Washington. THAT'S who we need to turn our swords against.[/troll]

theSnake - 2008-08-28

FAT MAN WITH KATANA is my favorite type of video.

fermun - 2008-08-28

Then you have a mission: Make FAT MAN WITH KATANA a valid tag.

wtf japan - 2008-08-28

There is a demoniusx video that cries out for this tag.

zatojones - 2008-08-29

do you know where it is? his "cleaning my katana" video is my favorite, but he deleted it

sonichronique - 2008-08-28


Dinky Patterson - 2008-08-28

No matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney.

Gojira1000 - 2008-08-28

Is this "never getting laid" week and I wasn't informed?

King of Balls - 2008-08-29

He had to cut the speech short so he could fart.

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2008-09-12

Am I the only one who noticed the soundbyte at 0:47?

bopeton - 2008-09-12

. . . .

phalsebob - 2008-10-08

Hey! Watch out! That sword will fucking cut you wide open!

Spastic Avenger - 2009-05-27

I can't tell if he means internet trolls or 'real' trolls.

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