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Comment count is 52
Billie_J_Buttfuck - 2008-09-08

Sweaty balls.

-1 for the roar at the end. If I knew her personally, it'd be endearing. As is, it made me cringe.

TinManic - 2008-09-08

i thought the roar was really cute.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-09-08

Sums up America's stupidity oh so well.

Cleaner82 - 2008-09-08

The video I didn't dare hope what was coming.

Billy Buttsex - 2008-09-08

Anne Coulter once said that if she could rescind women's right to vote, she would. Mostly because they're largely too dumb to make good political decisions.


Cleaner82 - 2008-09-08

What did she say about you?

Billy Buttsex - 2008-09-08

She said I should buy her new book

Cleaner82 - 2008-09-08

Is she still writing? Good gravy. Bad gravy even.

Stog - 2008-09-08

Then again, Ann Coulter is a transvestite who huffs canned air.


HarrietTubmanPI - 2008-09-08

I'm sure Stalin said some stuff too.

What's your point?

HarrietTubmanPI - 2008-09-08

Oh, and PS, last time I checked weren't you a guy?

Billy Buttsex - 2008-09-08

Oh, and PS

Samisyosam - 2008-09-08

This hoop skirt makes my balls sweaty.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-09-08

Slightly less terrible than the other ones.

waxeater - 2008-09-08


Caminante Nocturno - 2008-09-08

You've been taking my opinions of these things personally, haven't you?

Mayberry Pancakes - 2008-09-08

I usually agree with you, but these videos really hit home for me. I think she does a good (and funny!) job of pointing out a lot of the weird sexism in mainstream culture and how we deal with it.

waxeater - 2008-09-08

I am actually Sarah Haskins.

Brautwurst_Barbarian - 2008-09-08

These are pretty meh.

If she practiced timing and her deadpan presentation, they would be great. I love what she is saying, but hate the presentation.

Sudan no1 - 2008-09-08

caminante, everyone likes you when you're the witty anime fag.

when you're the disagreeable anime fag, you are rightly despised.

baleen - 2008-09-08

I don't particularly find her funny.
How feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb?


baleen - 2008-09-08

how many. shit.

a flaming monkey - 2008-09-08

Instant friends and enemies.

Cleaner82 - 2008-09-08

How is femmist screw in lightbulbs? Five femmists. Thank you.

a flaming monkey - 2008-09-09


TeenerTot - 2008-09-09

Instain femmists kill their babby.

SpookyElectric - 2008-09-09

hey, take it easy. sarah haskins is older than 14 and she doesn't say "nya" "desu" or "de gozaimasu desu wa" after every sentence. can you really blame him for not liking her?

Keefu - 2008-11-02

No, because she's really not funny.

fluffy - 2008-12-13



BorrowedSolution - 2014-01-29

XD You guise.

RomancingTrain - 2008-09-08

She's hotter with glasses, this one wasn't as funny as the first couple of videos.

sliggy - 2008-09-08

My older sister ranted at me about Palin for half an hour the other day. This was much more entertaining.

charmlessman - 2008-09-08

Dear Sarah Haskins. Seriously. Marry me.

sonichronique - 2008-09-08

For funsies.

Xenocide - 2008-09-08

And then she gave painful birth to funsies.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-09-08

when does this lady become funny?

charmlessman - 2008-09-08

When you remove the rectal rod.

coprolalia - 2008-09-08

Joe Biden will kill the McCain/Palin campaign and eat it.

voodoo_pork - 2008-09-08

That's what debates are for.

Cena_mark - 2008-09-08

Feminist cunts were willing to dismiss the issues when it was Hillary. Those bitches need to shut up and put Palin in office.
Plus these aren't funn,y and the host sucks, and isn't hot. Who keeps voting for this shit?

phalsebob - 2008-09-08

I'm not sure you actually watched the video.

Cleaner82 - 2008-09-08

I believe Cena just endorsed Obama for president.

chumbucket - 2008-09-08

we like these for the pure endearment that it's women trying to be both witty and smarmy at the same time

theSnake - 2008-09-08

She's pretty funny, for a woman.

Xenocide - 2008-09-08

"I never set out to be involved in public affairs..."

You've got to be impressed by someone who ran for and was elected governor of Alaska by accident.

Hooper_X - 2008-09-08

Thumbs the fuck up.

Hooker - 2008-09-08

People that dislike this video include:

Billy Buttsex
Frank Rizzo

Rudy - 2008-09-08

I've done my job.

simon666 - 2008-09-08

seriously, can we have a people who disliked this video include section, please?

Stog - 2008-09-08

It's the Secret Gay Fucking trio!

Keefu - 2008-10-21

The cause of these videos is admirable but the delivery...not so much.

Charles - 2009-09-12

2:32 got these stars.

As a relatively non-retarded Alaskan, I have to protest the Alaska tag being used with everything involving Sarah Palin simply because that is where she is from. Alaska doesn't make people retarded, people make people retarded.

I suppose, though, that this video can be an exception, because of all the fucktards in this video talking out of their asses about what THEY think are "real Alaskans".

I bet those are the same people who charge extra for shipping to Alaska because "it's not part of the United States". No wonder some of us want to secede. We're already halfway there anyway.

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