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Comment count is 11
TeflonDoc - 2008-09-11

That's right, Lesbian! Show that cripple who really has polio!

Helena Handbasket - 2008-09-11

WHAT the fuck was with those sound effects?

robotkarateman - 2008-09-11

It turns me on the way they all wear sexy lingerie and string bikinis everywhere they go.

thatonegirl - 2008-09-11

"Girls who Fought the world. Then themselves."

I think I want to find this movie and watch it.

Cleaner82 - 2008-09-12

I enjoy that the kicking of a woman on the ground was given a 'cow bell' sound.

Blaise - 2008-09-12


Xenocide - 2008-09-12

You can always tell a lesbian by her willingness to kill.

dueserpenti - 2008-09-12

Was she going down on her or feeding a popsicle to a dog?

mouser - 2008-09-12

That's pretty much in the same vein as that Biker Girls movie.

Also, this is missing a girl fight fetish tag.

chumbucket - 2008-09-12

0:51 lesbian action, where can I buy this?

The McK - 2008-09-15

Well are you going to wrap the chain aroubnd his neck or shove it down his throat? Geez, make up your mind Lesbian.

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