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Comment count is 13
Species - 2008-09-14

did that professor just say, "sometimes i hate them" ?

garcet71283 - 2008-09-14

I think he said "sometimes i hit them"

Not much better really.

Doctor Frederick Odd - 2008-09-14

Garcet is right.

This is impressive, but there is a way to make it sublime. Keep them from finding out what a digital calculator is until they are 18 years old.

Knuckles - 2008-09-14

I ate them! And I ate the mess they left on the floor too!

PeteyCruiser - 2008-09-14


mouser - 2008-09-14

Until very recently, some asian stock exchanges actually still used abacus on the floor.

Camonk - 2008-09-14

Yeah, you all laugh and sniff disdainfully, but when the bombs go off, and all the calculators and computers are slag, these kids will be able to do your taxes and manage your international corporate accounts easily.

HankFinch - 2008-09-14

After the apocalypse, I searched many strangely backlit smokey alleyways for the one, a small child that could do taxes by the light of a burn-barrel. After slowly earning his trust, I handed him my W-2...

And I owed 3... shit.

dancingshadow - 2008-09-14

Kind of sad. Some of these kids might have been good at math.

chumbucket - 2008-09-14


TinManic - 2008-09-14

you all scoff but this is faster for doing large sums than a digital calculator. when i visited banks in shanghai the girls all used abacuses (abaci?) .

dr_rock - 2008-09-14

Maybe faster than a 1970's tape calculator (punch, punch, print), but import the data into Excel then try that again (or lotus 1-2-3, or visicalc for another 70's comparison).

Still neat when they do it without the actual tool. Next up... EXTREME SLIDE RULE!!!

baleen - 2008-09-14

And all it takes it a culture of repression, shame and detachment from everything that makes life liveable!

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