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Desc:Logo Network commissioned Varla Jean to do a Schoolhouse Rock-style short on the Stonewall Riot
Category:Educational, Cartoons & Animation
Tags:gay, Schoolhouse Rock, varla jean merman, logo network, stonewall
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Comment count is 11
baleen - 2008-09-14

It's pretty well done.

NoCode - 2008-09-14

Yay for Varla Jean!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-09-14

I had no idea Stonewall had musical numbers in it!

zatojones - 2008-09-15

the first thing gays do to any subject that comes up is write a song and dance routine about it

DMKA - 2008-09-15

Five stars because I live in a tiny town of about 1000 homophobic rednecks called Stonewall in Oklahoma and thus this make me snicker.

Logo is still the dumbest channel conceived though. Dumber than Lifetime even.

dueserpenti - 2008-09-15

As a fan of Stonewall and Schoolhouse Rock, five stars.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-09-15

I'm sure it wasn't pitch black when the light was off.

I'm just saying.

Camonk - 2008-09-15

But there's still a chance the homos will confused and accidentally become straight. They have poor night vision.

themilkshark - 2008-09-15

Almost as good as Brini Maxwell

The Faghorn - 2008-09-15

Didn't Schoolhouse Rock try to include actual facts?

chumbucket - 2008-09-15

good animation

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