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Comment count is 21
IrishWhiskey - 2008-09-16

It truly is a seminal moment in feminism. If you want to be a woman in power, you have to be hot, and have a bunch of hick kids, and... uh, be hot. Qualifications and political views are irrelevant.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-09-16

Really though, the truth of this guy's words made me go from laughing to depressed. Especially when he mocked how the "left-wing brains" would come back at Palin with merely "issues".

KnowFuture - 2008-09-16

Hot? I once compared Sarah Palin to that one really annoying chick in Accounts Recievable...with the same antiboner powers.

jangbones - 2008-09-17

Palin's popularity says reams about the conservative mindset of the new millenium. Laughable reams.

Camonk - 2008-09-16

You know I always wanted to hear that pervert uncle, you know the one, talk about politics.

Corman's Inferno - 2008-09-16

I don't think I would leave my kids with an Alzheimer's victim.

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-09-16


halon - 2008-09-16

What a coked up worthless asshole. Why is he allowed on television?

Hooker - 2008-09-16

Seriously, why haven't feminists realized that showing a little cleavage is the way to get ahead in the world? Finally Sarah Palin has put the pieces together. Men want to have sex with her.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-09-16

"I don't want to hear the word mating"

sheikurbouti - 2008-09-16

Beautiful geyser of technicolor ignorance. If only Hillary would have put on a skirt...

IrishWhiskey - 2008-09-16

She'd also need a bunch of yutzy kids to show she's a mom, not a successful Oxford grad.

phalsebob - 2008-09-17

I never see Deutsch in Canada. So is Deutsch>Beck or vice versa. Tough call.

citrusmirakel - 2008-09-17

Nutrition Facts:


If there is any justice in this world, Donny Deutch will live long enough to be killed in an armed insurrection.

Spit Spingola - 2008-09-17

Holy shit.

themilkshark - 2008-09-17

Donny Douche lives up to his awful, awful name

TeenerTot - 2008-09-17

I think i just died a little inside.

chumbucket - 2008-09-17

I'm gonna say it: MILF but do not think MILVF (vote for)

yeahjim - 2008-09-17

Wait, whose side is he on? Is this Deutsch successor to the Colbert Report?

kiint - 2008-09-17

she is the bride of fucking frankenstein folks

ihounokyaku - 2008-09-19

I don't want my kids sitting in Ronald Reagan's lap and I don't want to mate with Sarah Palin.

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