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Comment count is 19
glasseye - 2008-09-16


Billy Buttsex - 2008-09-16

Alright, so I think someone out there should agree with me that both sides have already introduced all the players and stated their stances, and now we're being treated to a hot load of embarrassing from both sides. I mean, if it's not Republicans pretending like they're politically correct, it's the Democrats pretending they're religious/patriotic. If it wasn't for POEtv, I'd be purposely ignoring all this obnoxious political garbage just to keep a marginal amount of respect for whoever it is that makes the presidency.

As an aside, Obama can't get us out of Iraq by 2010. It's impossible, with Iraqi elections happening shortly after ours, and then consdering the amount of time it'll take withdrawal propositions to pass their legislature and such. Whaddaya think of that? It's a pretty big promise breaker. Anybody got anything to say about that?

IrishWhiskey - 2008-09-16

Yeah. Claiming that Democrats are inherently not-religious or patriotic is stupid beyond words. And the Pentagon and Iraqi government have both stated that it would be feasible to withdraw combat troops at a rate that a majority of US forces would be out of Iraq in 2 years.

Also, this topic isn't really relevant to the video at all.

Billy Buttsex - 2008-09-16

Dude, excuse me, but the current Democratic presidential candidate has repeatedly stated (usually during debates regarding the right to life or gay marriage) that what his God told him shouldn't affect his policy. If that is religious, then I'm insane.

Billy Buttsex - 2008-09-16

about the withdrawal thing:
http://www.nypost.com/seven/09152008/postopinion/opedcolumnist s/obama_tried_to_stall_gis_iraq_withdrawal_129150.htm

Someone give me some other report to show me this guy is wrong, from a credible resource, and I'll buy it.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-09-16

Billy Buttsex, I hope you die.

erratic - 2008-09-16

For as long as billy buttsex has been here, I've not joined in the troll-hunting fray. until now. Billy Buttsex, you're fucking retarded.

Hooker - 2008-09-16

Oh, Billy. You're not insane, you're a troll! Everybody knows that.

fatatty - 2008-09-17

Actually the link that you sent Billy states that if Obama's plea to the Iraqi government (to wait until power has changed hands in America to push through their new legal framework) was followed then they wouldn't have time to have their elections and finish working out all the legalities. Not that just in general there is no time like you stated above.

If the Iraqi government keeps going at the pace they're going and don't wait for the US government then they could probably keep to the timetable they already brought up earlier this year (which their PM said is in line with Obama's proposed withdraw date) and have troops out by 2010 or 11.

Personally I think this was a stupid move on Obama's part as he is in violation of the law in trying to persuade the Iraqi government in secret while not an official US diplomat. Though I'm sure as a lawyer he probably violated it in just the right way to wriggle out of it like most talented presidents can.

But in any case troops are probably going to be withdrawn and I don't think people will care much about Obama's 2010 promise as long as it gets done by the end of his term. If not there may be backlash depending on what events led to us not withdrawing.

kiint - 2008-09-16

I think its Palin/McCain

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-09-16

This was beautiful.

Hooker - 2008-09-16

I won't one-star it, but:


Note that Canadian ads aren't blocked.

StanleyPain - 2008-09-17

I know Canadian's keep bitching about Comedy Central videos, but here's the thing....they're the best links. If they were on YouTube, they'd get taken down.

StanleyPain - 2008-09-17

Jesus, can we have Buttsex re-banned please?

Also, apologies for the source of the link. I assumed colbert report vids would embed since they come from comedy central, but I guess not.

Xenocide - 2008-09-17

One of the best Words ever. Thankfully it looks like the "YOU CAN'T EXPOSE WHAT AN IDIOT SHE IS THAT WOULD BE SEXIST" message is starting to wear thin and the media is growing tired of McCain's crap.

Pillager - 2008-09-17


For Mr. Billy BS.

BTW, Obama will have a drawdown, McCain thinks if we don't stay in Iraqnam forever then we've lost. You tell me what's going to sell...

Dealing with the original point of the Colbert vid, McCain/Palin are showing that they'll behave the way Cheney/Bush acted for 8 years.

Yeah, who wouldn't want that.

waxeater - 2008-09-17

Bill O'Reilly, feminist:


TeenerTot - 2008-09-17


yeahjim - 2008-09-17

Hee hee hee, it's funny 'cause it's costing us massive votes.

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