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Comment count is 12
Corman's Inferno - 2006-06-25

I don't know why God created birds! I DON'T KNOW!

Adramelech - 2006-06-25

The plate of mustard actually did creep me out a little bit.

Crucifried - 2006-06-25


oddeye - 2006-06-25

That was so funny; this should be a regular thing. I overcame my fear of dogs less hilariously :(

CharlesSmith - 2009-03-10

This is a regular thing. There are about 6 different kinds of Maury episodes and "confront people with strange phobias with said strange phobia" is one of them.

xenocide - 2006-06-25

"No, Shakeeya, don't run backstage! That's where we keep the Peregrine Falcon!"

mashedtater - 2009-05-10

i made that my gtalk quote. i cant seem to find anything else that amuses me more.

Alex - 2006-06-25

the fatty pointing and laughing in the front row makes it

jrr - 2006-06-25

So far, only mustary woman comes off as really, really fake. "Take her!"

Hooper_X - 2006-06-25

Mustard woman is SO fake. Fakey McFakerson.

kicklecubicle - 2006-06-25

Personally, I think mustard is totally disgusting- when I saw this on TV, I wanted to throw up.

Enki Don't - 2006-06-26

Giant pan-o-mustard? Brilliant. Also, evil.

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