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Comment count is 13
gambol - 2008-09-25

I see what you did there.

Justin Dohrmann - 2008-09-25

Good trick, Peepants Jones.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-09-25

OH, haha, "an accident." You're a sneaky guy.

dueserpenti - 2008-09-25

Kid beefs it, cries, pees pants.

Some day these little shits are going to command our nuclear arsenal.

Probably not Mr. Pissydrawers there, though.

Desidiosus - 2008-09-25

President Pissypants has a nice ring to it.

Xiphias - 2008-09-25

well that certainly won't haunt him

mouser - 2008-09-25

5 for the thoughts of his futur (wayy off) girlfriend finding this on youtube.

Camonk - 2008-09-25

He'll have to make sure she finds adult babies a turnon, first. His love life is basically destroyed.

Moustache McGillicuddy - 2008-09-25

check this outt *boom* **crash* ~pisss~ OWWWW

major-_-turnon - 2008-09-25

Seriously. Of all places, POE TV can't spot a fake? The piss spot is there before the video begins. The kid takes forever to scream, and seems to have trouble not smiling when he does.

He doesn't even attempt to mount the skateboard, really. Takes the fall well, though. Three stars for future stuntman, minus two because he will try to segue into acting, becoming washed out and dejected, tossing himself from atop the Mann Chinese and fading back into obscurity.

baleen - 2008-09-25

Pee looker.

Moustache McGillicuddy - 2008-09-25

I respectfully contravene, sir. This video has plenty of evidence to contrast your argument. Upon further inspection of the boys pants during the beginning of the clip, one may discover a urine spot. HOWEVER do not allow your eyes to regale you with mendacious lies! It is merely a shadow cast from the boy's head. Look at the position of the light, then think again. From the boy's point of view, any chance to draw attention to himself would be likely foiled by his severe lack of theatrical skills. Only a Julliard-trained thespian could accomplish such brilliance. Those squeals of pain bring me shivers every time. This video is clearly the work of a mastermind. The camerawork, the commentary, all superb.

Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2008-09-25


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