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Comment count is 10
Bored - 2008-09-28

He's trying to fold that blanket.

Species - 2008-09-28

nope. he's suckling on it.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-09-28

*ear mites joke in order to inform everyone that Im up to date with poe-centric memes*

Udderdude - 2008-09-28

Kneading :O

dichotic1 - 2008-09-28


Severian - 2008-09-28

Those claws hurt now!

Cube - 2008-09-28

Also his paws are huge

Desidiosus - 2008-09-28

I think it must be a different cat hidden inside the sofa trying to pull himself out.

DMKA - 2008-09-28

I've had cats that did this. It always weirded me out.

fluffy - 2008-12-19

What's worse is when they drool on you and then try to suckle on your nose.

Well, by 'you' I mean 'me' and 'they' I mean 'my cat Toby.'

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