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Comment count is 13
Xenocide - 2008-09-29

-5 stars because it's another cat video.

+5 stars because it's another cat video! :D

robotkarateman - 2008-09-29

That would be 0 stars. Allow me to counterbalance.

mouser - 2008-09-29

You can tell this little cat will grow up to be a real dick.

Camonk - 2008-09-29

You're just saying that because most cats do.

chumbucket - 2008-09-29

excellent application of the song

glasseye - 2008-09-29


Millard - 2008-09-29


Frank Rizzo - 2008-09-29

1.66667 stars for each of the following

surprise attack at 0:59
surprise attack at 1:13
wrong way surprise attack at 1:57

Millard - 2008-09-29

The 1:57 made me laugh so hard...

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-09-29

1:57 is pure kitty.

jyrque - 2008-09-29

First encounter fails due to Big Kitty's natural camouflage.

fluffy - 2009-05-30

Awww. Although I am positive that all the footage was shot after the cats already knew each other because I have NEVER seen a kitten introduction go straight to happy fun playtime.

Old_Zircon - 2012-10-30


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