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Comment count is 7
chumbucket - 2008-10-02

lol crack of noon

Lurchi - 2008-10-02

Hmmm...I see...

DerangedGoblin - 2008-10-02

Has Shirley really never been on POE?
I'm shocked.
This and the homosexicals are my favorite. Labeesians.

Also, the one about people winning stuff is funny.
Now Kool-Aid comes in all five food groups.
Red, green, urnge, blue, and turquas!

charmlessman - 2008-10-02

My mind keeps trying to make sense of this, but it keeps shutting down. What have I just seen?

baleen - 2008-10-02

Wow, I had no idea who this guy was. Some weird facts:

- Shirley Q. Liquor is syndicated on 300 US radio stations

- Chuck Knipp, the guy who plays her, was nominated as the Libertarian
Party candidate in Kentucky for the House of Representatives.

- He was made an honorary Kentucky Colonel.

- He is an ordained Episcopal deacon.

- He donates money to gay black charities.

Hooper_X - 2008-10-04

Why am I unsurprised that the opener is in Comic Sans?

And yeah, Shirley Q. is quasifamous. HAW YALL DURRIN etc.

major-_-turnon - 2008-11-30


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