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Comment count is 6
mouser - 2008-10-12

Bruce golems?

TeenerTot - 2008-10-12

If I had a syringe full of stuff that turned people into metallic drones, I wouldn't wave it around so close to my head.

kingarthur - 2008-10-12

If you can just make gold Bruce Lees whenever you want, the value of a genuine gold Bruce Lee is only going to go down.

Patterns for Success - 2008-10-12

Just to clarify, though, the gold guys aren't the titular clones of Bruce. They are weapons sent to off the cloned Bruces.

sosage - 2008-10-12

It doesn't just turn them into gold, it apparently also turns them into robots that won't turn on their fat ass triad master.

Old People - 2014-06-11

At 1:43, you can see that the Triad boss's back yard includes a cheery little playground slide.

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