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Comment count is 22
baleen - 2008-10-12

Of course it's not in any way intolerant or bigoted to say that Obama is a Muslim. Jesus Christ, Republicans are so fucked. SO FUCKED.

baleen - 2008-10-12

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/elizabeth-rauber/congressional-r eport-on-o_b_125079.html

The hilariousness of these women's claims exposed... They just blatantly lied about everything, the injunction (it doesn't exist), the report (laughably weird, it contains references to Canadian laws and says Obama can't be president because he's a dual citizen, which isn't the law, and he's not a dual citizen anyway) and the "congressional investigator" was Clinton's attack dog, Paula Abeles, who's report on Obama was essentially made up as a quick fix to get her ahead in the polls, and who was in no way ever associated with a congressional investigation of Obama.

StanleyPain - 2008-10-12

I think this is a dupe. But still, worth stars because of how this fucked up election got someone like Matthews to actually turn so much on the right wing base whose butts he had been smooching for so long.

What I think is interesting about all the contention with the wingnuts about Obama's ability to legally run for president is that the legal waters are far more muddier for McCain, who was born in Panama while it was under US control. Yes, it's a stupid thing to get into and I'm not suggesting McCain be disqualified for it, BUT it's interesting how something that is a legitimate gray area, legally, is never discussed, but this shit with Obama being a dual citizen managed to get some wings.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-12

"I'm not going to tell you that."

She doesn't seem to be grasping the concept. When you brag about having proof and wanting people to know it, you don't get to then plead the 5th. Its like having an Open House, and getting indignant when people show up.

Hooker - 2008-10-12


Frank Rizzo - 2008-10-12

I demand proof

Dinky Patterson - 2008-10-12


Frank Rizzo - 2008-10-12


fucking joke ruiner....

Dinky Patterson - 2008-10-12

I have sinned against you....

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-10-12

The First half of this video is a dupe. The second half features Obama supporters' reactions to the two idiots for McCain.

Dib - 2008-10-12

Yeah its worth it for the latter half. He tried to let her talk, and all he got was "I'm not going to tell you". Then she wants to shout down others anyway.

When she said "3 million members", I think she was referring to some guy with the surname of "Million", and the fact that his wife and son were also enrolled.

Desidiosus - 2008-10-12

Or some Japanese rape tentacle creature.

Cena_mark - 2008-10-12

Well so much for objectivity Mr. Matthews. Please turn in your hat with the card that reads "reporter" sticking from the brim, at the door.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-10-12

you're so precious when you try your very best at trolling.

StanleyPain - 2008-10-12

No one wears those hats anymore, unfortunately. Mostly because if they did, they'd get beaten when reporting at Republican events and rallies.

Cena_mark - 2008-10-12

Actually nobody wears those hats anymore because there are no real journalists anymore. Everybody now is just a commentator no better more objective than Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, or Kieth Olbermann.
When people decide just to tell the facts once again then we can allow them to wear those hats.

baleen - 2008-10-12

"help help" your mom said

sosage - 2008-10-12

I like how on all sides, the answer to "he's a Muslim" is: Look. He's a good guy. He's a decent human being. etc. As if being Muslim is dirty.

When is someone going to just shrug at the camera and say, "Oh? You say he's a Muslim? And...so...what?"

The "he's not a Mulsim, he's clean and good" response seems just as intolerant as the bar owner who is "offended" by Obama running for president. Or maybe it is just me?

Secret Messiah - 2008-10-12

The fact that this blatant racism isn't being recognized by anyone is fairly ridiculous and evident of the insanity that is U.S. politics. It's amazing how much we're used to seeing and pass off as nothing new.

Though of course, all muslims hate America, came from the middle east and want to kill Americans. Also: all blacks are lazy theives, and all those mexicans are illegals who want to steal our jobs. These people should just have a sign that says "Minorities please leave our country." That'll save time for everyone.

baleen - 2008-10-12

I felt similarly when everyone was asking "is America ready for a black president?" on NATIONAL FUCKING NEWS. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be a little kid sitting at home and seeing that. People are stupid.

phalsebob - 2008-10-12

That young woman is a fine thing. To paraphrase- "I know it's hard being a sour old gash, but how about thinking about someone besides yourself."

Desidiosus - 2008-10-12

I'd hit it

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