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Comment count is 35
RocketBlender - 2008-10-12

Alright! I got to tip the scale! Great find, fouth. I still can't get enough of this kid getting hurt.

RocketBlender - 2008-10-12

Also, I can't help but notice: the kid appears to be in the same area, even using the same M&M machine, but now there's two, slightly taller machines there as well. Also, the park bench where people that might help could be sitting is now gone. I like to think that these changes are a result of his first attempt.

Daymage - 2008-10-12

Thank you.

mouser - 2008-10-12

The link at the end is http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=/watch%3Fv%3DHbxppjnlcW U

He asked for it. many times over.

Syd Midnight - 2008-10-12

He's a guido? Exccccellent.

TimbolinoBilchard - 2008-10-12

That explains why he's doing it.

But backflipping off things still seems incredibly assinine. I feel this sick sense of shadenfreude over his comeuppance.

fermun - 2008-10-12

You can tell these are good friends, as they make sure to get the shot and say "dude are you alright" to their snoring, unconscious friend.

Tuan Jim - 2008-10-12

Oh that's not good. Concussions are not good at all.

Blank_Slate - 2008-10-12

Well, at least it stopped him from doing any more backflips off of vending machines

...for a couple of weeks

chumbucket - 2008-10-12

needed to see visor in xray

baleen - 2008-10-12

No sympathy for the stupid.

Goethe and ernie - 2008-10-12

These people are a class apart, they're princes among men. If I'd tried backflipping off a vending machine and ended up going face first into the concrete, I'd give up, like a pussy. But Crazy Mike and men, nay, HEROES of his ilk (rare as they are, alas) just keep on flippin', until they break something, or several things as the case may be.

God bless you, Crazy Mike. Keep jumping off shit.

chumbucket - 2008-10-12

it's on his bucket list

Samisyosam - 2008-10-12

If at first you fail, try again because there's always room for an even more epic failure.

sosage - 2008-10-12

That man's nemesis is a vending machine aisle.

Also: When does anyone have real authority to tell someone to turn off their camera in public?

chairsforcheap - 2008-10-12

yeah that medic seemed like a dick...

regarding the video: i've done backflips off baseball dugouts and crap that high before, and it's almost impossible to not land it... this kid is a grade a moron.

Dib - 2008-10-12

It's called being the voice of reason, you jerkoff.

chairsforcheap - 2008-10-12

they totally should have been shooting what happened to the kid... it sure makes me not want to do something that stupid..

Torture the Artist - 2008-10-12

No, that's really not what it's called. That paramedic is a dickhead.

Dib - 2008-10-12

You get called in, arrive on scene, and this Jackass wannabe is laying there half dead while his shithead friends are still filming--something they were obviously doing while cheerleading his dumbass stunt. Now you have to employ your trained skills to patch this fucker up while they want to make sure not a moment is missed for their Youtube extravaganza, and there are probably at least a handful of others better things you could be doing. I'd be a pissed off paramedic too.

RockBolt - 2008-10-12

No, matters of taste aside, you can video or photograph anyone or anything in a public place in the US. First responders and police cannot tell you to stop and can only detain you if you are actively getting in their way (which would get you in hot water without the camera). Also they cannot take away your camera or film/memory cards without a court order.


Anyone who likes to take pictures should take a few minutes to be familiar with those basic rights, because time and again police and security guards will attempt to tell you otherwise in the heat of the moment, lots of those stories here-


Syd Midnight - 2008-10-12

"Can I ask why you're videotaping this?" "If you knew him, you'd know why." Some people exist solely to inspire new safety warnings. It's an evolutionary strategy to protect the species as a whole.

If some geneticist discovers, like, some DNA that causes a bird to be careless so that their death screams warn the flock, I hope they call it the Jackass gene.

Dib - 2008-10-12

So who's arguing the paramedic was speaking from an authoritative standpoint? That's your impression. He said "turn that camera off right now", he didn't snatch the thing and smash it on the ground. The cameraman was a douchebag, the jumper has shit for brains, and you're an idiot.

RockBolt - 2008-10-16

I was answering sosage's question you troglodyte

Xiphias - 2008-11-03

If I were a medical professional, people taping me trying to administer treatment would make me pretty nervous.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-10-12

the noise was nauseating

Torture the Artist - 2008-10-12

It's really great how the only help they're prepared to offer him is STILL just bumbling up to his lifeless body and saying "Dude?"

Mister Yuck - 2008-10-21

That's about the right thing to do. You don't fuck with a guy with head trauma, you call the paramedics.

Dinkin Flicka - 2008-10-12

The ending is identical to the ending of last week's House. If only Crazy Mike had given an emotional "Thank you, Dr. House."


heyitslozeau - 2008-10-12

i hope he hurt his nuts. or damaged himself in some other way to prevent his having children. his DNA needs to die with him.

Desidiosus - 2008-10-12

"Mike, how old are you?"


Dinky Patterson - 2008-10-12

Name the bench after him.

Baldr - 2008-10-15

The Sisyphus of the new millennium.

asian hick - 2008-10-15

Is the tragic music really warranted? This is definitely yackety-sax material.

Keefu - 2009-02-21

Why oh why do people do these things

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