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Comment count is 14
Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2008-10-13

-2 for patting yourself on the back too damn much. Also, the forced YTMND shoutout doesn't help matters.

Doctor Frederick Odd - 2008-10-13

"We will pull the peni out and leave anything else."

But what if you pull out too late?

Hooker - 2008-10-13

You'll have to buy another PS3.

KnowFuture - 2008-10-14

Either that or you'll have a litter of PSPs to deal with.

Konversekid - 2008-10-13

Five stars for the show being called "Screw attack"

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2008-10-13

Now I want to play specifically for the 'Forest of Penii' level.

buttnutt - 2008-10-13

"you're the man dog"

Dib - 2008-10-13

I just wish it wasn't PS3 exclusive, this is precisely the type of game we should see more often for the PC.

fluffy - 2008-10-13

I'm not sure you understand the point to a platform exclusive.

charmlessman - 2008-10-13

I'm not sure YOU understand the concept of wishing.

citrusmirakel - 2008-10-13

I can't decide who I hate more: The interviewer or the interviewee.

I guess the interviewee's job is to be a schill and say sound-bytey stuff to promote his game, but there's no reason the interviewer has to suck that hard.

chumbucket - 2008-10-13

the entire first week will be full of penis levels

Blaise - 2008-10-13

The biased, anti-penis, pro-vagina, MSM is at it again folks.

soci-o-path - 2008-10-14

Screw Attack hate all post Dreamcast games but report on it anyway =/

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