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And please consider not blocking ads here. They help pay for the server. Pennies at a time. Literally.

Comment count is 12
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-10-18

This distracts them and keeps them from voting.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-10-18

Fuck yes.

Nikon - 2008-11-29

I'm for that.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-10-18

I voted this out of the hopper just because of the preload image.

Xenocide - 2008-10-18

There's going to be so many angry, confused seniors on February 17th, storming the local radio shack with 20 year old receipts in hand and demanding repairs.

TeflonDoc - 2008-10-18

They're going to be lining up out in front of places that used to be radio shack 20 years ago, and trying to get Starbucks to exchange their tandy vcrs.

fluffy - 2009-03-26

And now we get to look forward to this all over again in June.

Comeuppance - 2008-10-18

"Is this my new TV?"

Lady, it became my new TV years ago.

chumbucket - 2008-10-18

puts box to ear and spoon

Cube - 2008-10-19

We did this in my country a couple of years ago. A lot of people are still pissed.

major-_-turnon - 2009-01-28

+5 for exactly what i've been fucking thinking
-1 for this video site instantly bringing my cpu temp up 10 degrees celsuis and starting a high-low overheat warning beep. The fuck?

major-_-turnon - 2009-01-28

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