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Comment count is 14
Burnov - 2008-10-18

Good memories, back in the day when Bethesda didn't eat a truckload of balls.

StanleyPain - 2008-10-19

...and put out one of the most glitchy, bug-ridden PC games perhaps ever to have been released up to that point.

If you don't like Oblivion and whatnot, that's fine, but let's be realistic about Daggerfall. Ambitious and perhaps revolutionary, yes. Functional? Not on release, that's for sure.

Pillager - 2008-10-18


Great, great games.

F3 is in good hands!

rapsnacks - 2008-10-18

^^Look, two guys named Burn and Pillage drawing exactly opposite conclusions from the same video.

Pillager - 2008-10-19


Just wait until Fallout 3 gets released.

The flames will keep us warm all winter long...

Meerkat - 2008-10-18

Extra star for the guy not falling through the floor halfway through the video.

Knuckles - 2008-10-18

Morrowind is better than Daggerfall.

Burnov - 2008-10-19

The hell it is.

Randroid - 2008-10-19

Morrowind. Try playing DF again and see how well it has aged.

baleen - 2008-10-19

Daggerfall was so full of bugs and stuff, to the point that it sometimes screwed up the ambiance, but the massive scale of it was made it fun. The idea that you could fly down to the bottom of some random dungeon that was filled with water was what made it interesting. Morrowind was pretty fun too. I usually get tired of the campaign and just want to go off doing stuff by myself, which is why I gave up on morrowind.

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-10-18

Wow, it never looked that good on my computer.

vissarion - 2008-10-18

If I recall my Elder Scrolls lore correctly, the hero of Daggerfall is remembered in the later games as a treacherous renegade who caused a magical apocalypse.

So if this dead king is as loyal a subject and friend as I am...

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-10-18

Sentimental? You mean incredibly vulgar, right?

garcet71283 - 2008-10-19

Wheres my Morrowind II dammit. I don't care about Cyrodiil, gimme Vvardenfell!!!

Oh, and FMVs always get 5 stars in my book.

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