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Comment count is 21
zatojones - 2008-10-22


buttnutt - 2008-10-22

That lady was pretty stupid, but the joke was hilarious.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-22

The protester part was worth it just for the look on Rove's face, and his sullen little jab at her.

Its not much of a consolation, but at least I'm quite certain that Rove's success in the smear industry has brought him no real happiness.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-10-22

If you could get a pair of handcuffs on the stage, I'm certain you could've gotten... Oh, I don't know, A BAG OF EXPLODING SCORPIONS up there.

So, why didn't you?

Rudy - 2008-10-22

Dude, did you see that vicious move Karl used on her? She's lucky she's still in one piece.

Randroid - 2008-10-22

I'd just throw a fistful of replicas of his dad's golden cockrings in his face.

simon666 - 2008-10-22

Why does Karl Rove, a man with such a scandalous history, still get a venue to regurgitate his utterances? Everything that comes out of his mouth is double-speak.

Ryo-Cokey - 2008-10-22

Henry Kissinger still manages to get venues, and he makes Karl Rove look positively benign.

I had trouble keeping my gorge down when both VP candidates fawned over him during the debates.

Screwtape - 2008-10-22


Aoi - 2008-10-22


simon666 - 2008-10-23

Rye, I agree with you here. But your reading of of the Constitution per the VP is still a point of contention, hmph!

petep - 2008-10-22

"Why is there no woman up here? We's, ah- we need a California woman up here. I am one I'm Juline Waterparth(?) I have to do an uh citizen's arrest- a citizen's arrest for TREASON."

I guess I'm only making fun because I'm jealous.

Enjoy - 2008-10-22

I've never understood why people protest free speech.

Cleaner82 - 2008-10-22

Maybe you can explain how this comment is relevant at all here?

fluffy - 2008-10-22

Oh man that was just a few blocks from where I work

Cena_mark - 2008-10-22

The arrester gets arrested, how ironic.

FABIO2 - 2008-10-22


Randroid - 2008-10-22

*puts on sunglasses*

TeenerTot - 2008-10-22

Five stars for Fabio

plaid_knight - 2008-10-23

It'd be awesome if citizens attempted to arrest Rove wherever he went. I know it won't happen, but I'm having fun imagining it.

Xiphias - 2008-10-23

yeah this is some exciting times to live in

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