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Comment count is 23
Man Who Fights Like Woman - 2008-10-27

I love storytime.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-27

To be fair, Applebee's generally spends more time screening their employees than McCain did Palin.

mouser - 2008-10-27

I'm willing to bet the contrary and that's why he picked the most fuckable ass on the senator list.

Ashenblade - 2008-10-30


Caminante Nocturno - 2008-10-27


RockBolt - 2008-10-27


DMKA - 2008-10-27

-1 star because that's not fair to even Bush.

plaid_knight - 2008-10-31


Space Helicopter - 2008-10-27

I am honestly still mystified as to why he didn't pick Hutchinson.

fluffy - 2008-10-27

Pretty much anyone in the intro would have been a better and more obvious choice.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-27

Hutchinson supports Roe v Wade and is pro-choice. Same thing for Tom Ridge, who would have handed McCain Pennsylvania.

McCain just barely managed to win in spite of the Evangelicals, but ended up letting them run his campaign.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-27

'Win' as referring to the Republican primary of course.

Xenocide - 2008-10-28

It's pretty amazing. He started out being supported by everyone in the party except the evangelicals. Now he's not supported by anyone in the party except the evangelicals. And even they don't actually like him.

If there's one thing that the GOP takes out of this election, it needs to be the lesson to stop trying to please these fundie idiots at the expense of everyone else in the party.

Cena_mark - 2008-10-27

Palin wasn't the best choice, but she's still more qualified to lead this country than Obama. She fought corruption in the State of Alaska where as Obama is the product of corruption. Of course you wouldn't know this considering the biased media in which you get your information from.

Miskimo - 2008-10-27


DMKA - 2008-10-27

You know, I've always wondered if you were a troll or not.

Not anymore though. :3

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-10-27

That's a lie.

Because you are a liar.

oogaBooga - 2008-10-28


Billy the Poet - 2008-10-28

Oh, Cassandra dear, just a little further off the boat.

plaid_knight - 2008-10-30

>Palin wasn't the best choice, but she's still more qualified to lead this country than Obama.

Isn't there a better place for you to go? Like FARK or something?

The McK - 2008-10-28

I now want Mitt Romney to make a comeback just so I can refer to him as "The Mormon guy whose hair is nice".

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-10-28


glasseye - 2008-10-28


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