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Comment count is 19
Moustache McGillicuddy - 2008-11-04


Camonk - 2008-11-04

Macaws are cool, and also giant pussies despite being able to bite through a wooden broomstick.

BHWW - 2008-11-04

He's all like "Oh, I'm being observed. Hello."

Keefu - 2008-11-04


Mayberry Pancakes - 2008-11-04

I was obsessed with macaws as a kid. This reminds me why. Lookiiiit! It's so cuuuute!

petep - 2008-11-04

its pupils do something upsetting right before it speaks

Spike Jonez - 2008-11-04

You mean cameras.

NoCode - 2008-11-05

That's called eye flashing, and it often means the robo-parrot is debating whether to attack you.

NoCode - 2008-11-04

Bird videos always get five stars.

Cube - 2008-11-04

Why, hello there, Mr. Bird!

boba. - 2008-11-05

it got all up in my face before greeting me

fluffy - 2008-11-05

Parrots are like little autistics with Tourette's.

dead_cat - 2008-11-05

And then it violently disassembled the camera.

halon - 2008-11-05

What a jaunty little gait he's got there!

Unsung - 2008-11-05

All that`s missing is a little cane and a tophat.

libby1217 - 2008-11-07

short and sweet, i love it!

Xiphias - 2008-11-10

Oh hey, what's up, man?

rustedmutt - 2009-02-19

'Ello, guvnah!

fluffy - 2014-11-04

On repeat viewing years later, I think the parrot is acting less like a robot and more like a velociraptor.

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