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Comment count is 23
The Townleybomb - 2008-11-10

That is the kind of power that few toddlers can even dream of.

-2 points for not linking the video where he chucks a beer bottle at the guy who's climing on the light pole.

buttnutt - 2008-11-10

I think you forgot to subtract those stars

IrishWhiskey - 2008-11-10

-2 for not showing the mom pointing a gun at the crowd.

Wait, why won't it let me take away stars? DAMN YOU TODDLER!!!

simon666 - 2008-11-10

Points AND stars.

grimcity - 2008-11-11

One star.
One star times five, I mean.

TeenerTot - 2008-11-10

Aw jeez, another stupid "kid" videOHHHHAWESOME!

fluffy - 2008-11-10

So wait are they actually cheering the kid or is he cheering the same thing they're cheering?

I am rating on the basis that it's the first one.

charmlessman - 2008-11-10

Mussolini's childhood.

yourmother - 2008-11-10

"This is not the kind of thing we do in America. This is the kind of thing that they do in Nazi Germany."

wtf japan - 2008-11-10

I was just about to say, this is how Hitler got his start.

VoilaIntruder - 2008-11-10

At the world series parade?

IrishWhiskey - 2008-11-10

As a Phillies Fan

longwinded - 2008-11-10


voodoo_pork - 2008-11-10


yourmother - 2008-11-10

Sorry it was a reference to a Ben Stein video that's around here somewhere...

Camonk - 2008-11-10

That kid's so stupid. Whales are way bigger than that.

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-11-10

They need to be at least ... three times as big!

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-11-10

Meant as a reply to Camonk. Oh well.

Godard's Drinking Problem - 2008-11-11

I still found it funny

baleen - 2008-11-11

1 star for phillies, 1 star for God interceding on the behalf of the Mets to cause Sarah Palin to lose Pennsylvania to Obama, 1 star for starchild.

azazel - 2009-05-02

will is big

Pie Boy - 2009-05-31

this is the best

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-09-26

And a child shall lead them.

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