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Comment count is 19
chet - 2005-11-26

Brilliant Showing Of Suck

Killer Joe - 2005-11-26

If people pay to make this, some day I will own Hollywood

Caminante - 2005-11-27

I love this preview more than bunnies.

Sean Robinson - 2005-12-01

A Star-Studded Hollywood Bonanza!!!!!!

Hooper_X - 2006-05-31

ALL HAIL KING BURT REYNOLDS! seriously, this looks hilariously great.

Vicious - 2006-05-31


underaneonhalo - 2006-06-05

4 for king Burt and 1 for the wayne newton impersonating wizard guy.

bavariankumquat - 2006-06-07

burn it to the ground!

yoyo1 - 2006-06-20

looks more entertaining than LotR.

garcet71283 - 2006-06-21

John Reese Davis doesnt really charge that much for his talent does he...?

OxygenThief - 2006-10-31

Ray Liotta as a wizard? Cmon, that's not even real.

bongoprophet - 2006-11-19

you have no idea how powerful madness can be!

Inferno - 2006-11-21

This looks god-aweful... and apparently directed by Uwe Boll, which means 100% chance it's garbage

Pandatronic - 2007-01-17

5'd for adding Ninjas for absolutely no reason.

Pie Boy - 2007-09-25

I was going to give this a three until I realized that all of the sword clashing sounds are from Warcraft III. Also, the muffled grunts and groans sound like either Counterstrike or Mortal Kombat.

Nyms Lives! - 2007-11-15

OK, Ray Liotta and Burt Reynolds I can understand, but:
Jason Statham, John Rhys-Davies, Matthew Lillard, Leelee Sobieski, Ron Perlman, and Claire Forlani?

Why do I think the "casting" of this movie consisted of a Hollywood party, a punchbowl, and lots and lots of rohypnol?

poples - 2008-07-02

He was a simple farmer, and good at his job. But he committed the ultimate sin, and testified against evil wizard-king gone bad. Wizard-king that tried to kill him, but got the woman he loved instead. Framed for murder, now he prowls the magical kingdom. A simple farmer hunting ninjas, a jason statham - a dungeon-sieger.

HarveyTibbar - 2009-02-12

This movie is proof positive evidence that bad editing can make any scene shit.

Wombles - 2011-03-25

I played this once at a lan party....it wasn't even a good game.

Seriously, who pays for this? goddamnit...

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