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Comment count is 16
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-11-23

This is like watching commercials from another planet.

baleen - 2008-11-23

Children in 1972 had a preoccupation with weighted objects on the precipice of falling. Even though I was born in the 70's the idea of continually balancing things on top of one another would have been devastatingly boring. To think that all ten megatons of this crap is now photodegrading in the Pacific Trash Vortex is sort of depressing.

Binro the Heretic - 2008-11-23

My uncle, who is only a few years older than me, had the Electro-Shot Shooting Gallery.

I had The Last Straw and Ice Bird.

Desidiosus - 2008-11-23

I had London Bridge, Cross Over the Bridge and Trouble.

I also had a really cheapo version of the Shooting Gallery where you just had the spinners. The gun was a light blue plastic, I guess so you couldn't use it to rob convenience stores once you got into your teens and developed a drug habit.

Gojira1000 - 2008-11-23

I had the blue one, as well.

Hooper_X - 2008-11-23

Oh my god. So many choking hazards.

(my older brother may have had the same thing that Desiodiashashajresus had, incidentally)

SpookyElectric - 2008-11-23

In my uncle's attic I found the "revver" for the Remco set, sans car. My childhood imagination went wild with how awesome it must have been.

The commercial shows it just made the car spazz out, and no super speed racing was involved. Disappointed...

Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2008-11-23

The spazzing out was the best part! Every other toy company makes a car that can drive straight.. now a car that has a mental breakdown when you let it go? Brilliant!

Camonk - 2008-11-23

Here you can do the most boring part of flying a plane: landing. No you can't take off. No you can't go to another place. You can land.

sunisevil - 2008-11-23

I was initially going to make disparaging remarks, but all of those, except for perfume ball at the start, look like they would be pretty awesome to play now. If I could just forget the fashions, the 70s would not have been so bad.

Blaise - 2008-11-23

Watching toy commercials from my childhood is a heck of a lot cheaper than therapy.

jangbones - 2008-11-23

These must have been from the early 70's, because I recall seeing exactly one of these commercials before, and I am fucking old.

Plus, the mid seventies were steamrolled by Star Wars toys.

KnowFuture - 2008-11-23

Society has made some progress since that Play Doh commercial...a little boy can play with toys shaped like food and not be considered a faggot anymore.

MrBuddy - 2008-11-23

Wow... I don't recognize any of that except for Spill The Beans, Ice Bird and Trouble.

SenilePlacebo - 2008-11-23

"Some kinda hockey player that Snoopy is."

Oh, I agree. It has always been a frustrated fantasy of mine to watch pro NHL players spin about like tops trying to score a point.

cognitivedissonance - 2008-11-23

Stoking the fires of the proposed Greatest Toy Ever Week. Burn, burn, burn!

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