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Comment count is 57
BillFisto - 2008-11-22

I used to hate it when my mom would hire a dancing chicken for my birthdays, too.

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2008-11-22

"But mom, this one's eating my dog biscuits!"

baleen - 2008-11-22

Oh Sharky, you'll shake free of that teenage ennui eventually.

Hugo Gorilla - 2008-11-22

Even the dog knows this isn't right. Some where Werner Herzog is making a note of this.

Charles - 2009-02-07

"Roosterdog: The true story of Sharky Catatonia"

tamago - 2010-04-06

I was trying to decide whether this was more like Lynch or Herzog. I think I'm going to go with Herzog. Not that this doesn't have some Lynchian elements to it, though.

Binro the Heretic - 2008-11-22

With a little editing and the proper soundtrack, this could be a David Lynch film.

Gojira1000 - 2008-11-22

It already is.

heyitslozeau - 2008-11-23

I was thinking the exact same thing.

the exact same thing.

Doctor Arcane - 2008-11-22

No one on YouTube seems to realize that she was offering the rooster for Sharky to eat.

dead_cat - 2008-11-22

That dog looks so uncomfortable.

And hey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Sharky! We got you a dancing prostitute! She can really shake it! Hey now, Sharky, don't let that hooker eat ALL your cake.

Diogenes - 2008-11-22

I don't know what I just saw. But I do know that what I just saw... it is Art.

Cowboy Funk - 2008-11-22

Ummm... I can't be 100% sure but, it looks like that rooster was looking for a little Sharky action to me.

gSSEhh - 2008-11-23

You are correct...

This is by far the most inexplicable part of the video.

Charles - 2009-02-07

What about the random appearance of the rooster in the first place?

glasseye - 2008-11-22

Needs "horror" category.

racetraitor - 2008-11-22

Sharky is obviously tired of putting up with this woman's shit.

Adham Nu'man - 2008-11-22

GUMMO 2, at Cannes Film Festival.

robotkarateman - 2008-11-22

Later, when this dog mauls her to death, this video will be all over CNN.

Also, this needs "Eek The Cat" tag.

Killer Prunes - 2008-11-22

Apparently, this is the same pit-bull from the "pit-bull with chicks" video. I'm guessing that is one of the chicks.


Enjoy - 2008-11-22

We all seem to have our own interpretation. I saw it as the rooster wanting to be the star on the camera.

TeenerTot - 2008-11-22

Are you all high? It's clearly the voice of a young (pre-teeinsh) man, not a woman.
But whatever. 5.

major-_-turnon - 2008-11-22

notice 'texasgurly1979' in the corner

she is about 30 =(

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-11-23

I am betting this is how this woman talks to everyone. I would bet anything.

Lies, lies, LIES! - 2008-11-22

Sharky really wants to be somewhere else.

major-_-turnon - 2008-11-22

What Annie Wilkes does in the summer when no one is crashing next to her house

bacrie - 2008-11-22

had me at the depressed dog in a birthday hat being crooned to by a woman with a speech impediment, kept me with the inexplicable dancing chicken

kennydra - 2008-11-22

Best description of this video.

Nithing - 2008-11-22

Sharky has accepted that nothing good will ever happen to him.

Charles - 2009-02-07


Steve Airport - 2008-11-23

I know that dance. That's the "get out of my territory or I'll continue this motion to it's conclusion and swipe these spurs across your face" dance, a favorite among roosters. Happy birthday, Sharky!

heyitslozeau - 2008-11-23

come to find out, this is why pitbulls attack people. sharky is just going to snap soon.

CharlesSmith - 2008-11-24

Why would you do that to Sharky on this birthday?

Beyonce Knowles - 2008-11-25

Mouth agape, eyes wide open, filled with glee, all the way through.

Xiphias - 2008-11-26

this is incredible

Jaguar Wong - 2008-11-27

yay sharky

Mormolyke - 2008-11-28

The chicken dances like David Byrne.

JimL2 - 2008-11-28

I've seen dogs that were more confused, but not many.

athodyd - 2008-11-29

Some dogs understand the human concept of "bullshit."

NoCode - 2008-11-30

That fucking dancing chicken...I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.

jangbones - 2008-12-15

Sharky now knows why Ian Curtis killed himself

kiint - 2008-12-22

Sharky rocks

Thundercougarfalconbird - 2008-12-16

All of her videos are pure terrifying gold.

Long Gone Daddy - 2008-12-31

She is an inexplicably attractive young Estonian American woman with friends and interests and the most likely explanation that I can come up with for this and its companion videos is that she has complete insight and consciousness of what it is and what it does to people. This woman is in pursuit of The Entertainment. This woman is the most dangerous individual on the planet. Sharky is her accomplice. They must be stopped.

Hooper_X - 2009-01-12

There's some kind of a commentary to made here on Eastern Europe, as well as the ways that people adapt in surprising ways to new and unfamiliar territory (the internet, for starters) but I'm not one to make it.

What I will say is "Huh."

smoothbrain - 2009-02-04

This is possibly the best video here.

AmericanWater - 2009-02-06

This is just the tip of the iceberg; she has a whole page devoted to Sharky. This is why comcast gets my 40$, five stars.

Baron_Von_Bad_Beaver - 2009-03-28

I see that David Lynch's new film is coming along nicely.

Tuan Jim - 2009-05-23

Here's her friend and her.

N.B. They are both blond and hot.


gambol - 2009-10-19

that video is as baffling as this one

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-10-21

Sharky is Brock Sampson.

That woman and her chickens are his Venture Family.

Jeriko-1 - 2009-11-07

Dog won't touch the cake at first because it knows the score.

"Yeah, you back da fuck right up. See dose biscuits? You think just cause it's your birthday don't mean I get my tribute? Eh? Eh? Fuck you. You're damn lucky I don't peck your goddam eye out. Fuckin' stupid mongrel."

Myrmidon - 2010-02-22

I'd missed this one. Sweet lord.

Nikon - 2010-03-29

Five'd and favorited. That poor dog ...

Corman's Inferno - 2011-02-21

The chicken was later found headless in an alley, with the words "NO EAT SHARKY CAKE" smeared in blood on the side of a dumpster.

Change - 2012-11-22

Holy crap, this is amazing!

Old People - 2014-03-26

One of the all-time greats.
Funny thing is, the lady's actually quite pretty IRL. Google "texasgirly1979".

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