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Desc:Next year's blaxploitation parody/tribute; some NWS breasts for a couple seconds
Category:Trailers, Humor
Tags:Dolemite, Blaxploitation, Black Dynamite, Michael Jai White, Anamorphic Duovision
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Comment count is 19
TeflonDoc - 2008-11-27

All of these stars are for the Cap'n. The invisible stars are for everything else about this movie.

dementomstie - 2008-11-27

I was on the fence of "awesome" and "AWESOME" and then I saw the cap'n. That makes me have to see this movie.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-11-27

Oh, this is classy!

Camonk - 2008-11-27

I will see this movie at least a hundred times. No question.

sunisevil - 2008-11-27

There are parodies and there are tribute and there is this: art.

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-11-27

Hell mother fuckin' yeah!

mon666ster - 2008-11-27

I can relate to this because I also drive a 00 car and wear a 0 suit!

boba. - 2008-11-27

i see how they got a fake rudy ray moore and even a fake willie hutch soundtrack but how did they find a fake pam grier?

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-11-27

I'd like to know that as well, I could use a couple of Pam Griers.

Emcee - 2008-11-27

What are you talking about? That's EBONY Fashion Fair model Tambula Qatar.

The McK - 2008-11-27

"Tambula Qatar"

Oh you are making that up. That is too great a name to be real.

boba. - 2008-11-28

you tricked me into googling a fake name and wasting time on imdb looking at the cast so you win

apparently my friend's record label licensed a track for this movie though

lordpotato - 2008-11-27

Alright, this surprised me. I don't believe it, but I'm going to have to buy this one.

By the way, 2:09 made me spit out my drink.

Hooper_X - 2008-11-27

I actively laughed and clapped at least four times while watching this. I mean, the entire cribbed-from-Dolemite COMIN' SOON TO THIS THEATER AS ITS NEXT ATTRACTION IS A FEATURE THAT WILL PUT YOU IN TRAAAAACTION! bit had me looking for someone to high-five.

Unfortunately, nobody else at the table appreciated it.

Hooper_X - 2008-11-27

ETA: If this film doesn't have a "Dedicated to the memory of Rudy Ray Moore" card, I will burn the motherfucking theater down, 'cause seriously. He was through with this before they knew what to do with this.

Hooker - 2008-11-28

Trouble Man reference~!

DMKA - 2008-11-28

Yes. Yes. Oh God yes.

Hooper_X - 2008-11-28


Hay Belly - 2008-12-02


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