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Comment count is 26
BornAgainCannibal - 2008-11-29

Damn it. I had an excellent bad mood going on before this too.

baleen - 2008-11-29

if they looked like dripping veiny dicks people would throw them into the garbage or put them in japanese salads

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-11-29

What the fuck kind of salads are you eating?

Camonk - 2008-11-29

Uh yes it's true if kittens weren't cute they would not be cute. Man cosplaying as Cena Mark must take a lot out of you. You should take a break.

lolcoolj - 2008-11-29

Obviously Japanese dripping veiny dick salads.

phalsebob - 2008-11-29

So would you give veiny dick jap salad 3 stars too?

baleen - 2008-11-29

i've got some of these kittens in the back. they all act like this. a veiny dick salad would at least be unique.

Big Muddy - 2008-12-24

Kitten in the back, veiny dick salad
Diggin the scene
with the Jap-a-leen oooh-oooh

DMKA - 2008-11-29

Why is it darker than it's siblings?

The Faghorn - 2008-11-29

It's mother was a whore.

SecretJunk - 2008-11-29

is... is he mixed race?

halon - 2008-11-29


Hay Belly - 2008-11-29

Because you're stupid.

thatonegirl - 2008-11-29


glasseye - 2008-11-29

Title does not disappoint.

Desidiosus - 2008-11-29

I can generally be counted on to 5 star kitten videos but this one was iffy. The lullaby just about gave me diabetes.

TinManic - 2008-11-29

doesn't do anything. and cat are just very adorable nazis that we invite into our homes.

lordpotato - 2008-11-29

That's why the music box is playing music from cabaret.

tankgirl - 2008-11-29

I would totally eat this on a hamburger bun with barbecue sauce.

Chalkdust - 2008-11-29


tamago - 2008-11-29

Both of the words of the title of this video are 100% accurate.

bakune young - 2008-11-29


Frank Rizzo - 2008-11-29


Helena Handbasket - 2008-11-29

It chewded on its feet!! It chewded on its feet!!

Jeriko-1 - 2008-11-29

Later the kitten would sadly grow up to terrorize an entire village.

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-11-30

It ends on a pre-dominant! Noooo!

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