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Comment count is 30
TeenerTot - 2008-12-01

So much here...but I think the drinking butter part is best. Who knew Paula deen was superhuman?

TeenerTot - 2008-12-01

forgot to star!!

boba. - 2008-12-01

best video on this site in like a year

Lurchi - 2008-12-01

He can break fruit machines with his eyeballs!

No problems, no beatings?

melted butter and raw mutton

dancingshadow - 2008-12-01

His horsepower level is over 9000!!!

dancingshadow - 2008-12-01

Sorry about that comment... but the hospital measured his horse power with a tissue sample ?? and he refused to lift a car before the show for fear that he would transform in to a more powerful form and his energy wave would destroy the studio... Just awesome.

Goethe and ernie - 2008-12-01

"Is this acceptable... Are they capable of...?"

You subtitled exactly what I was thinking, fella.

Goethe and ernie - 2008-12-01

Also, the way he says "Who would I lift rocks for?" like it's some zen koan and he's TOTALLY BLOWING YOUR MIND. Also, the way she reacts, as if her mind has well and truly been BLOWN.

socialist_hentai - 2008-12-01

...... ok I'm speechless....

Smellvin - 2008-12-01

This made me think of the South Park episode on Scientology. I just wanted there to be some text at the bottom of the screen that read: *THIS IS WHAT ARABS ACTUALLY BELIEVE*

... unless of course that was all just humorously subtitled and they weren't talking about anything even close to what the subtitles indicated.

Xiphias - 2008-12-02

I'm sure the interview subtitles are real (or mostly real) since he is actually tearing coins and such, but it's pretty condescending to think that the interviewers *believe* this guy.

heyitslozeau - 2008-12-01


Sean Robinson - 2008-12-01

Too bad for work.

Too bad for jail.

Too bad for war.

A fat schizophrenic IS


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-12-01


Killer Joe - 2008-12-01

I will kidnap his wives to release the hidden energy burst, and bring about the END OF EGYPT!

Dr Dim - 2008-12-01

This guy's doctor gives the best notes.

wtf japan - 2008-12-01

Seriously. "My doctor says I have to consistently have a buzz goin' and burn one every other day or my mind powers would be poppin' people's heads like bubble wrap."

Ponasty - 2009-07-09

Also, "Wives im sorry its doctors orders. You gotta take this."

Anonymous - 2008-12-01

C'mon guys, he's just Wilt Chamberlain in a fat suit.

Bebido - 2008-12-01

Too cool for school.

Rudy - 2008-12-02

Great. Now I feel bad because he is strong.

And I...

I am not.

lucienpsinger - 2008-12-05

Unemployed tubbo chugs butter, gets stronger.


athodyd - 2008-12-07

That is a hot anchorlady who probably gets a zillion death threats a day.

blood_visions - 2008-12-16

why isn't this man fighting crime on the streets of cairo?

citrusmirakel - 2008-12-22

"You have sex with your wives 15 times?"
"How is this possible?"
"There is no god but Allah. And Mohammed is his prophet."
"Yes. Allah be praised."

dead_cat - 2009-03-25

The question remains: how many of his 28 wives did he tear apart during sex?

phalsebob - 2009-05-04

If he's so strong, why doesn't he crush israeli soldiers between his ear and his skull? He could crush them two at a time, and then ruin their Jew-money with his eyelids.

Oh yea... he's to strong to be in the army, he might hurt someone.

Do you think Pat Robertson is stronger?

Bozo - 2009-05-21

Grade A crazy.

Bort - 2009-08-03

I would have loved to see them interview Rudy Ray Moore. "Now, is it true that you've been bitten by rattlesnakes and the venom did not harm you?" "Yes, in fact it was the snakes that died from biting me."

kennydra - 2010-10-06

Reading the comments I thought you guys were exaggerating to humorous effect, but almost every comment was a direct quote or transcription.

Fucking amazing.

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