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Comment count is 17
mouser - 2008-12-03

I call fake.

cognitivedissonance - 2008-12-03

Now I long for the green, green grass of home.

Richmond - 2008-12-03

4:14 makes this video.

Keefu - 2008-12-03

Are you kidding? What about 3:54?

Oktay - 2008-12-03

I'd rather watch Cena_mark.

Cleaner82 - 2008-12-03

Call me a 'paint drying' snob but this is boring as shit.

simon666 - 2008-12-03

You're just not accustomed to the refined appreciation of grass growing. One must learn to see the subtleties in each blade of grass as the wind crosses gentle across it's surface as a bow on a violin's strings; the pacifying "white noise" background; the brown and beige "dead" stalks of grass tucked just behind the fore of the vibrant green, healthy grass.

But don't worry, with practice, come appreciation. You'll get there yet.

kamlem - 2008-12-03

Watching Palin be hung out to dry is my thing, really...

Memento - 2008-12-03

I'm waiting to see paint drying on growing grass, although the excitement may be too much for me to handle...

Cena_mark - 2008-12-03

This is just a little bit better than Pain Drying. This video also has much more action than the pain drying. The grass grows whilst caressed by a gentle breeze. Its rather relaxing.

Seris - 2008-12-03

now wheres a video of the world passing me by?

Hooker - 2008-12-03

Needs more Lil Jon.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-12-03

How is this video safe for work?

mouser - 2008-12-04

You have to turn the volume down.

Urburos - 2008-12-03


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-12-04


libby1217 - 2008-12-06

you guys are crazy and ridiculous...i waited for 4:14 and 3:54....whatever...

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