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Comment count is 19
baleen - 2008-12-04

Earth people. This is one of the greatest things ever made, and I mean that completely seriously.

Poor Excuse - 2008-12-05


I think this is easily the greatest thing ever.

Thatcher Pennywhistle - 2008-12-04

R Kelly / Kool Keith collaboration = Universe Collapses in Joy

Xiphias - 2008-12-04

they like to steal your doctor brown

you can't have a youthful looking refridgerator

bakune young - 2008-12-04

i really like seltzer water, too

petep - 2008-12-04


Baldr - 2008-12-05

Anyone who can talk about Seltzer water for four minutes and hold my interest has a rare gift.

The Townleybomb - 2008-12-04

He really needs to come up with an alternate ego like Dr. Octagon but all his raps are about like what kind of batteries he likes to buy.

Cena_mark - 2008-12-04

I hate rappers like this. Damn indie backpacker bullshit. Give me some gangsta shit.

TeflonDoc - 2008-12-04

What would you do if I hit your face with dog doodoo? Huh, white boy?

erection reset by queer - 2008-12-04

Too bad he hasn't made a good album for (at least) 7 years.

Unsung - 2008-12-04

"Boring Oats".

Available at Sam`s Club in a huge dogfood bag.

LazarusOfEarth - 2008-12-04

That's the most sober and sane Kool Keith interview I've ever seen.

Hooker - 2008-12-04

People said I was crazy keeping my Capt. Crunch in my refridgerator, but who's crazy now?

Blaise - 2008-12-04


Godard's Drinking Problem - 2008-12-05

I have a true story.

I was in a recording study in New York this summer, and Kool Keith's cousin (almost-rapper Money D) busted in with his goof-faced entourage demanding the masters from a recording session he did with Ice T in that same studio from two years back. He talked a lot about drinking bad champagne and thieves trying to take his money, then realized I was paying for the engineer's time and gave me a nickelbag as an apology. The following day, I smoked his stuff and played Team Fortress 2 and had a wonderful time.

Whenever I hear the name Kool Keith, I think about this.

heyitslozeau - 2008-12-05

this has so many potential tags it's practically another tag.

Poor Excuse - 2009-01-30

Favorited 3 times? Damn you POE. This should be on the all time list. I hope all the diseased genitalia of the world are wiped all over your faces. That's how bad I feel about this.

sonichronique - 2010-12-03

"Wheat cookies".

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